
Mon, 21 Mar, 2022

The Practice of Banning Books and Literature From Schools!

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In children, the early years of learning are some of the most important parts of their lives. The things we are exposed to when we go to school last for a lifetime. Libraries are a treasure chest of knowledge. Books teach us so much about the world.

Could they possibly be teaching us too much? Are inappropriate books corrupting the minds of innocent children? We have some thoughts to share.

Why Do Parents Want Books Banned?

An opened book in a library

Parents are concerned about certain books that have inappropriate topics for young children. Explicit acts and language, violence, racism, and abuse are some of the things they hope to shelter their kids from. Classic reads are often filled with outdated ideas that parents see as 'dangerous' for growing minds.

Why Do Other Parents Disagree?

A pile of books

Other parents do not agree with the ban on books. According to them, books are records of the realities of the evolution of history. Political and social views have changed over the last few decades.
Some parents believe that hiding these views from children could close the doors to important conversations. Morals and ethics have evolved. For us to appreciate how far humans have come, they think we have to understand what was wrong with our old ways of living.

What Can Be Done?


For all parties to be satisfied, school boards have decided that parents should choose what their children are exposed to. Controversial books can be restricted to use only after the parents approve them. 

Such measures can ensure that everyone’s opinions are treated fairly. The parents who want to protect their children should be allowed to do so. The parents who want their children to exercise independent thought should be able to do so as well.

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  1. Why do parents and schools want certain books to be banned?

Parents are concerned about certain books that have inappropriate topics for young children. Explicit acts and language, violence, racism, and abuse are some of the things they hope to shelter their kids from.

  1. Why don’t some parents want these books to be banned?

Political and social views have changed over the last few decades. Some parents believe that hiding these views from children could close the doors to important conversations.

  1. What can be done to satisfy all parents?

For all parties to be satisfied, school boards have decided that parents should choose what their children are exposed to. Controversial books can be restricted to use only after the parents approve them.

  1. Why are children's minds vulnerable?

In children, the early years of learning are some of the most important. The things we are exposed to when we go to school last for a lifetime.

  1. Comment on the social evolution of morals and ethics.

Morals and ethics have evolved. For us to appreciate how far humans have come, they think we have to understand what was wrong with our old ways of living.

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