
Wed, 13 Mar, 2019

The Power of Humor: Why Funny Pick-up Lines Always Work!

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Funny pick-up lines or chat lines work all the time. They are witty, humorous, persuasive and conversation starters.

Communication and expression of thoughts are important aspects of human behavior. The best way to have engaging communication is to start with a witty, humorous pick-up line. Funny pick-up lines are like punchlines that serve the purpose of conversation starters and persuasive speeches. 

With a bit of creativity and comic timing, anyone can strike a smooth conversation with a stranger using a funny pick-up line. Just stock up an ample amount of hilarious and entertaining pick-up lines, and you are all set to send anyone or any gathering of people into fits of laughter.

Funny Pick-up Line as a Conversation Starter

Funny pick-up lines

Human beings are social animals and communication is an important aspect of survival in a social environment. While some people are blessed with awesome communication skills, some struggle to make the first move in starting a conversation with strangers. Funny Pick-up lines work wonders in such instances, and a simple, witty pick-up line can act as an icebreaker and get two strangers talking.

Funny pick-up lines also referred to as chat-up lines, can be used to pass complimentary messages, which are otherwise misunderstood, specifically when offered by strangers. Such light-hearted conversation clears the air of any hesitation and gets two unknown people to have a meaningful conversation.

Using Funny Pick-up Lines for Persuasive Speech

We have been in situations where proving our point becomes difficult, especially when there is strong resistance. “Persuasion is better than force”, – so it is better to persuade your listener into your thoughts rather than forcing them to do so. A funny pick-up line or joke can come to your rescue, and timely usage of one will increase the chance of getting your views accepted and keeps your listener in goodwill.

While funny pick-up lines do reinforce your intent, be sure that you use the pick-up line to emphasize a point that is already true. The pick-up line should act as a bridge between your thoughts and the listener, so that the listener does not feel coerced into your opinions. Considering that funny pick-up lines are too comical and ridiculous for anybody to take them seriously, a conversation that could otherwise turn into a debate would end in a peace treaty!

How to Make Your Funny Pick-up Lines Work?

If you are unable to say the right words to friends, family, classmates, or to any stranger, then there is a funny pick-up line for every person and every occasion. You just need to be bold enough to use one to crack a funny joke and get them to laugh.  A pick-up line that works is one that comes naturally to you and one that clearly communicates your emotions and feelings.

Timing is everything when you want your funny pick-up line to work. It is equally important to use the right pick-up line at the right moment for you to have that absolute conversation starter or to grab the attention of a crowd. Ensure that you have the attention of your audience or listener and wait for that ideal moment to use the funny pick-up, and the magic will follow.

Some Words of Caution for Pick-up Lines to Work

If words could do all the magic, then life could be very simple. Instead of relying on pick-up lines to do all the magic, compliment them with appropriate action, and do not overuse pick-up lines. The same pick-up line that suited a particular situation may be totally irrelevant in a different situation. 

Using an inappropriate pick-up line might cause more damage than help you launch a conversation.  Just because funny pick-up lines work effectively, they may boomerang when improperly used.


From making new friends to entertaining an audience, funny pick-up lines get the conversation going and clear the air for meaningful talks. But, for this connection with a stranger to sustain, sufficient confidence and momentum to take the conversation forward are also required and relying solely on funny pick-up lines is not adequate. So, if you are the person who has a good stock of funny pick-up lines and is all set to impress the world around you with your spontaneous overflow of energy, go ahead and tickle those funny bones.

For information on various careers and other topics, visit PlanetSpark. PlanetSpark provides content on public speaking, creative writing, communication and personality development.


  1. When do you use funny pick-up lines?

To start a conversation with a stranger or to engage an audience.

  1. How can you respond to funny pick-up lines?

Respond gracefully without getting offended; otherwise, you always have the choice to remain silent.

  1. Why do funny pick-up lines aid persuasive speech?

Due to its humorous angle and that it does not sound offensive.

  1. Is a chat line like a pick-up line?

Yes, a chat line is like a pick-up line and can be funny too.

  1. Why do funny pick-up lines work all the time?

They are comical, fill the room with laughter, and instantly win over people; hence, they work all the time.

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