
Mon, 12 Apr, 2021

The Nutrient-Rich Marvels of Organic Foods!

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What Are Organic Foods?

Organic food

Organic relates to the way foods are grown. Foods that are produced on farms without using artificial chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, and genetically modified organisms are known as organic foods. To be called organic, the food must be free from food additives. The additives also include MSG, preservatives, and flavouring substances.

To ensure the natural growth of the plants, manure is added to them. Animals that are raised organically are not injected with hormones. As such, the products obtained from them are pure as well. The most common organic foods are fruits, vegetables, dairy, and meat products.

How Is Organic Food Grown?

Organic food

Organic food is grown following strict government standards. Farmers grow them without the use of toxic and persistent chemicals. In fact, no genetic engineering or other such practices are performed on them. Organic farmers adopt practices such as hand weeding, crop rotation, and mulches, among many others. 

These farmers understand that adapting to these practices will provide the plants with all the necessary nutrients to grow. All the more, it enables a higher rate of absorption of major and micro-nutrients.

More Antioxidants And Vitamins

Many old studies have come to the conclusion that organic foods contain high levels of antioxidants as compared to non-organic foods. Organic foods contain a lot of micronutrients like vitamin C, zinc, and iron. Food grown organically is more nutritious. They are good for your health too.

In order to protect themselves, organic foods are not dependent on fertilisers and chemicals. Instead, they produce antioxidants to protect themselves from pests. It is one of the main reasons why we find higher levels of antioxidants in these plants.

Low Nitrate Levels

Crops that are grown organically have lower nitrate levels as compared to non-organic crops. Studies were conducted on these crops, and it was found that they contain 30% lower levels of nitrate.

High levels of nitrate are harmful to health and are known to cause certain types of cancer. When infants consume higher levels of nitrate, they are prone to a condition called methemoglobinemia. It is a disease that affects the capacity of the body to carry oxygen.

Organic Milk And Dairy

Omega-3 fatty acids are present in organic milk and dairy in large quantities. They also contain high amounts of iron and Vitamin E. However, they are not harmful to the health of individuals. When compared to non-organic milk, organic milk has less amount of selenium and iodine. These are the minerals necessary for the proper growth and development of an individual.

Health Benefits

Organic products reduce the health risks not only for the consumers but also for farmers. When they use pesticides and chemicals, they also become prone to health-related issues. In fact, the children that run on those lands and inhale that air are also prone to diseases. Providing people with the option of organic products helps them choose products that do not contain toxins. It comes with a lot of health benefits, including good heart health and overall health.

Buying Organic Food Within Budget

There are quite a few ways you can resort to buying organic food within budget. These are:

  • Shop at a farmer’s market. Buying directly from them won’t create a hole in your pocket.

  • Buy organic products in season. The fruits and vegetables are the cheapest and freshest when bought in season. Keep an eye on when the food is being delivered to your market to buy the freshest food possible.

  • Compare the values of organic products in markets before buying.

Reduces Cancer Risk

Eating organic food reduces the risk of cancer. Research has found that people who consume organic food have fewer risks of cancer than those who don’t. Organic food has a lot of nutrients that help to ward off cancer.


Eating organic is good for your health. It has a lot of health benefits. Studies have concluded that people who consume organic food regularly are less prone to diseases when compared to those who don’t.

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  1. What are the health benefits of organic food?

Ans. Providing people with the option of organic products helps them choose products that do not contain toxins. It comes with a lot of health benefits, including good heart health and overall health.

  1. Are organic foods healthy?

Ans. Organic food is grown following strict government standards. Farmers grow them without the use of toxic and persistent chemicals. In fact, no genetic engineering or other such practices are performed on them.

  1. How is organic food grown?

Ans. To ensure the natural growth of the plants, manure is added to them. Organic farmers adopt practices such as hand weeding, crop rotation, and mulches, among many others.

  1. Do Organic foods contain low nitrate levels?

Ans. Yes, organic food contains lower nitrate levels which is beneficial for health.

  1. Can eating organic food lower the risk of cancer?

Ans. Yes, research suggests that those who eat organic food are at a lower risk of developing cancer. Most organic foods also contain nutrients that ward off cancer.

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