
Thu, 07 Mar, 2019

The Life and Achievements of Alexander the Great!

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Alexander was born to become a king because of his skills and traits. At 20, he followed his father, Philip II, to the throne in 336 BC. He devoured the maximum time of his life running military crusades all over Western Asia and Northeastern Africa.

About his Life

Alexander the Great

He was born in 356 BCE in Pella, Macedonia and died on June 13, 323 BCE. His father was Philip II, and the name of his mother was Olympias; she was the daughter of the King Neoptolemus of Epirus. Aristotle taught him from the age of 13 to 16; he liked him because he inspired him with an interest in scientific investigations, medicine and philosophy.

Later, he got a little annoyed after hearing his views that all the non-Greeks should be treated as enslaved people. In return for training Alexander, Philip promised him to rebuild his hometown of Stageira, which he demolished. He also vowed to repopulate it by purchasing and extricating the ex-citizens who were captivated. Leonidas also taught him. She was his mother’s relative.

Alexander’s Life As A King

He was just 16 when his father made him in charge of Macedonia as he went on a campaign in 340. In 336 BC, Philip was attending his daughter's marriage when the chief of his bodyguards murdered him. The assassinator tried to run, but he slipped over the wine and was killed. Alexander was just 20 when he became the king.

He had a different strategy as he became the king; the first thing he did was to remove all the potential rivals to the throne from his way. He got his first cousin, who was the former Amyntas IV, executed, a few other princes from Macedonia, his brother and sister from another mother were also ordered to kill.

His first war was with Maedi, a Thracian people; Alexander defeated him. After that, he executed the princes of Lyncestis, as he was the main suspect behind killing his father, Philip. After that, he planned to head towards the South, but he wanted to secure the North first; therefore, he started with his first win in the North by defeating the Thracian forces.

After that, he moved to Triballi and conquered the army near the Lyginus River. Then he reached the Danube, and there he won over the Getae tribe on the opposite shore. Getting success here, he marched towards Cleitus, but this win was not easy as the King of Illyria and Taulantii were waiting for him to come so that they could attack him.

But, they failed, and both of them were dethroned badly by Alexander; these wins gave him complete security over the northern area. But, the Thebans and Athenians revolted once again, so he fought again with the Thebans and defeated them. Seeing this, Athens got scared and surrendered. The North was under control, so he moved to Asia, then had the Battle of Issus, captured Egypt, and there was the Battle of Persia and Gaugamela.

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  1. How did Alexander’s father get impressed with him?

Alexander was just 10 when a trader got a horse for his father. He sold him for 13 talents. But, when Philip rode on it, the horse refused to be mounted. At first, he asked to take it away. Although Alexander was scared of horses, he tamed the horse and succeeded.

Philip was impressed with Alexander’s courage and dedication. He gifted the horse to him. Alexander named him Bucephalas and even took the horse with him to India. When the horse died, he named a country after him.

  1. When did Alexander die?

He died on June 11, 323 BC, in Babylon at the palace of Nebuchadnezzar. He was 32.

  1. When did Alexander come to India?

He came to India in 327 BCE and left India in 326 BCE after meeting King Porus of Paurava at the Battle of the Hydaspes.

  1. Why did Alexander leave his father and go with his mother?

In 338 BC, his father wedded Cleopatra Eurydice. This marriage made his place as heir doubtful. Alexander was half Macedonian, so Cleopatra's uncle, during the wedding, prayed for his niece to give the kingdom a successful heir.

Alexander felt bad as he was continuously hearing this from everywhere. His father was taking his uncle's side. Alexander left with his mother. But, he returned after six months when their family friend Demaratus convinced him.

  1. When did he first go to battle?

It was in 338 BCE when he was just 18 years old.

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