The art of Public Speaking

Sun, 20 Jun, 2021

The essence of connections: Understanding the significance of Friendship!

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Why is friendship important in our lives?

Friends can be of many types, but they all have one thing in common, they play a significant role in our lives. They help us realise the real meaning of life and help us identify our flaws and strengths. They support us and motivate us to become a better version of ourselves. A friend is a person with whom you can talk about ridiculous stuff, and they still won’t judge you. Why? Because your gibberish somehow makes sense to them, as if they get us as no one does.

However, nothing and no one is perfect in this world. Our friends aren’t perfect either, as we have a sweet and sour relationship with them. Sometimes they tease us, insult us, and compliments are literally out of the window. But we still love them as they are the only ones who make us feel like we aren’t the only weird creatures on this planet as they are just as crazy as we are!!

What is the best way of making friends in your life?

We all should have friends not just for the company but to live our life to the fullest. You cannot make the best out of your life if you stick to your perspective and won’t allow yourself to see the world from someone else’s eyes. There is no problem in being alone, but it’s good to have someone who understands you the way no one does. They show you the world from their perspective and tell you that there is more to life than you think.

So, we should make many friends and let them go when the time comes. Some friendships will last long, but some will fade away with time. People will come and go, and everyone has a reason to cross your path. However, don’t be sad about it, as they all will add a different chapter to your life. They will help you become the person you want to be, and you won’t regret having them in your life. Friendships teach us an important life lesson, “nothing is permanent, but just because it didn’t stay doesn’t mean that it wasn’t good for you.” So make friends, no matter when and where, no matter how long it lasts. Enjoy your life, meet new people and just keep adding value to your life.

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  1. What does friendship mean in your life?

Friendship can mean many things in one’s life, but it means sharing and caring for me.

  1. Why is friendship important?

Friendship is important because you will feel isolated, alone, and unhappy without friends in your life.

  1. Who is your best friend?

My best friend is my classmate, Sarah. She is very helpful and caring towards me.

  1. What is the best way to make new friends?

The best way to make new friends is to communicate and share your feelings with them,

  1. What happens if you fail to make friends in life?

If you fail to make friends in life, you will not be able to share your good and bad experiences with anyone.

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