The art of Public Speaking

Mon, 01 Feb, 2021

The Advantages of Learning a Second or Third Language in School!

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Learning foreign languages

People believe that learning a few basic English words can help them gain good jobs worldwide. Therefore, they consider the English language the lingua franca and assume that learning a new one is unnecessary. But is it true? Yes, of course, English has become a pass. But knowing a different language apart from English, of course, can do wonders for those seeking new job opportunities and those who want to travel the world.

Learning a new language can open doors to the new world of literature. However, it can't be the only benefit of learning a second or third language. There are various benefits of learning a new language. Some of them are:

Benefits Of Mastering A New Language

Second language learning

  1. A new language can stimulate your brain

Grey matter present in the brain will grow and develop if you start learning something like a language. Some new grammar rules, alphabets, lexis, and jokes will increase the efficiency of your brain. Your brain will try to keep up-to-date with your knowledge. New patterns and language complexities can make your brain muscles stronger.

  1. Attention span

Your attention span will drastically improve when you stay up all night to learn and memorize new words and sentences. It will act as an antidote and increase your focusing power. Learning two different languages at once will help you maintain focus and block unnecessary distractions. In addition, juggling your head between two or more languages can make you more active and responsive.

  1. Career opportunities

If you are a bilingual or multilingual person, you will be able to communicate with so many people. Learning a trending language will increase your chance of working in an international firm. 

Companies that are constantly expanding their business abroad will hire you as a communication manager or a translation expert. Having a foreign language as one of your skills will increase your probability of working in your dream company with a handsome salary.

  1. Multi-tasking

People are good at doing many things at a time. But if you are a person who knows more than one foreign language, then this task will become easy for you. As a bilingual person, you keep juggling words and sentences in your mind. This has kept your brain busy and active. As a result, the brain will slowly get used to it and know how to handle many different tasks simultaneously.

No matter what job you dream of or what language you like, and what place you live in, learning a new language can open doors to the world of imagination and creativity. Decide to learn any one language, just learn one, you won't regret it.

PlanetSpark provides the best English language course for your little one. So, without any further ado, book a FREE class and start learning today!


  1. How can we meet new people while learning a new language?

Communication technologies have drastically increased. But if you know only one language, you wouldn't be able to communicate with so many people. Learning a new language will help you in making new friends. You also get to travel to other places.

  1. Why is it important to master more than one language?

We live in the progressive era where one skill or language can't land you your dream job or help you build connections. But, in today's world of globalization, knowledge of two or three languages will give you an advantage over others.

  1. How can one learn a new language without spending any money?

  • Communication with a native speaker

  • Watching and listening to the language you are intended to learn.

  • Using facial expressions and signs to learn

  1. Which is one of the hardest languages?

If you are a native English speaker, Mandarin Chinese would be most difficult. After that, Arabic and some other languages with no English-like words.

  1. Which one is the easiest language?

Norwegian is the easiest to understand and learn. Swedish and Spanish are also the easiest ones.

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