
Tue, 12 Nov, 2019

Redefining Military Spending: Why Decreasing Military Budgets Matter!

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Military soldiers defending the country

Every country desires to have a powerful and the best military force, even if they have a low budget to spend on it. In a way, the power of the army/military shows the country's power, and it's the fundamental reason governments are spending a significant amount on strengthening their armed forces.

According to research by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) in 2019, it has been found that India is among the list of top countries that spend the most on the Military. The United States, Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia are also on the list. In the 2022-2023 defense budget, India increased the total by 10% from its last 2021-2022 budget. It announced the sum of INR 5.25 trillion allocations for the Military.

Massive spending on the Military by any government ultimately impacts the country's economy. The increment in the military budget shows the government's emphasis on developing and modernizing the Indian army. Before going into the depth of the argument that the military budget must be decreased, several vital points need to be examined.

Know the various points to develop your perspective on the increased budget of the armed forces and the reasons to decrease the military budget.

Why Spend On The Military?

Military soldiers during a war

If you look at several data, you will find that most countries are spending most of their budget on the military worldwide. There can be many reasons for it; many countries like to showcase their power.

Strengthening the military is a way to exhibit power, but it's also essential to safeguard a country from foreign attacks. It assures country safety and security. Moreover, a rising tide of threats needs to be countered. So, the Military is the one that can take the responsibility to protect the interests of everyday citizens.

People who favor increasing the military budget believe that it provides geopolitical safety, promoting commerce and peace. The money spent on the Military fulfills all the requirements of goods and services of the armed forces. It led to the development of the technology and talent in the Military, which helped in the country's growth.

Is It Right To Spend More On The Military?

The core question that arises here is what is the right amount to spend on the Military? Well, there's no specific answer. Increasing the military budget is like a hole of debt as vast spending of money on the armed forces leads to low allocation on the other sectors. Rising borrowing costs from national and international sectors tend to increase political pressure.

Many countries like Azerbaijan are fulfilling all the goals of the armed forces by making better utilization of the military budget. It shows that continually increasing the funding for the Military isn't an ideal solution. The more intelligent investment and better utilization of the money can also fulfill the goals of the armed forces.

Many critics argue that decreasing military funds is essential because it takes out valuable monetary resources to invest in countries' progress. In India, where poverty and hunger are issues, one must consider whether military funds can be better utilized.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, one can say that the Military plays an immense role in the county. Additionally, it's one of the dangerous and demanding jobs that need respect and support from the government. Spending a considerable amount of the budget on the Military doesn't harm the nation, but it requires periodic evaluation.

Reducing the budget in a time of peace is a more innovative strategy than increasing budget escalations. Through a wise expenditure on the armed forces, it's possible to work on other sectors and ensure sustainable infrastructure development.

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  1. What Are The Current Trends In Military Spending

From research data, it has been found that countries are spending more than their initial amount on boosting their military force.

  1. How Does The Increase In The Military Affect The Nation?

Through many channels, the increased budget of the Military affects the economy. It raises the profit, boosts capacity utilization, and increases aggregate output and investment.

  1. How Can The Military Be More Efficient?

Better management of the funds and overall spending reduction at specific periods can reduce expenditure. Another way to reduce money is by creating domestic technologies rather than depending on foreign support.

  1. What Are The Significant Adverse Effects Of Increasing Military Spending?

A significant expenditure on the Military leads to the country's debt, irresponsible usage of the money, displacement of jobs in private sectors, more use of resources on making weapons, and much more.

  1. Why Do Military Expenditures Represent The Most Prominent Investments?

The country's Military is directly linked with its power, and it plays many roles in the country. It ensures the safety and security of the citizens, protects them from aligned threats, maintains peace in the region, and safeguards the interest of the people.

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