Writers Guild

Mon, 20 Jan, 2020

Playwriting Techniques and Formats that your child should be definitely aware about!

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The poem writing about senses and feelings class for students is about dreaming up graphic content and understanding how to convey meaningful sentences with words, using the five senses — touch, taste, hearing, sight, and smell — to incorporate and investigate a topic.

Poems about senses and feelings in English follow a simple pattern of selecting a topic or subject and then portraying it using the five senses:

  • Sight

  • Touch

  •  Smell

  •  Hearing

  •  Taste


I see... I smell... I taste…I hear...I feel.


When emotion meets concepts, elementary students' poems about senses and feelings are born. Even for a poet as sophisticated as Robert Frost, poetry is, at its core, an expression of feeling. In other words, emotion is the backbone of poetry, and the deep hidden insights that PlanetSpark educators are looking for are the ultimate results.


Why is it essential for your child to learn the art of poems about senses and feelings?


Poems about senses and feelings for primary students are a great approach to encourage kids to try out different ways of describing their senses with words and bring their writing to life for others. Even youngsters can participate. Poems about senses and feelings training online have a huge advantage in that they usually turn out nicely, so they're great for increasing confidence! Poems about senses and feelings are a bridge. A golden ticket towards becoming better people and being the change kids want to see in the world. Creating a world where people come together rather than tear one another down and apart. Poems about senses and feelings for elementary students  Assist them in understanding that they are not as strange as they believe. Kids are not alone in their sadness, pain, delight, or happiness despite their differences.


What child doesn't like making up new phrases or putting known words together in amusing ways? This type of experimenting and exploration aids your child in expanding his vocabulary, recognizing speech sounds, expressing himself, and enjoying working with words.


Poems about the senses and feelings course give your child options in terms of topic and vocabulary, sentence structure, form, and rhythm. The best part is that poems allow him to express himself.


And some more bonus points to this include:

  • Children must realize that primary students' poems about senses and feelings are not meant to be learned but rather are a fun opportunity for them to express their thoughts and experiences with others.

  • Children need to consider how specific words in poetry show the reality in their heads.

  • Poems about senses and feelings are vital for children because lullabies, nursery rhymes, and songs are often the first genres they hear.

  • Poems about senses and feelings training online help students gain confidence in composing poetry while also allowing them to express themselves via creativity, wordplay, and word choice.

  • Poems about senses and feelings for primary students tell a tale and inspire action in children.

  • Poems about senses and feelings training online are adaptable to children of all ages.

  • Poems are ideal for reading aloud since they are rhythmic, expressive, and enjoyable.

  • Children can learn about emotions and feelings by reading and performing poems. It also aids children in understanding and processing these feelings.

  • Poems about senses and feelings training online aids in the development of emotional literacy in youngsters.

  • Drawing on shared experiences they hear about in poetry, they can learn to regulate and reflect on their emotions, feelings, and behavior.

  • Poems about senses and feelings courses for kids are also an excellent approach to improving your child's listening skills.

  • Poems about senses and feelings class for Students helps them increase their vocabulary.


A Five Senses poem doesn't have to rhyme, and it's simple enough for kids of all ages and abilities to participate. Primary students' best poems about senses and feelings are often written from the core, real, passionate, and to the point. It's a game-changer because it's a mindful practice. Want your child to write one? BOOK a FREE Class with our Expert today!


Children are born poets; all they need is a little guidance to realize it. Poems about senses and feelings for primary students include:

  • Take a fresh look at the world.

  • Daydreaming, imagining.

  • Laughing.

  • Pretending – all things that children do naturally.


Poem about senses and feelings course helps children make sense of the world and communicate ideas and feelings in ways that ordinary language cannot. Children's attention is drawn to the amusing rhythms, stupid rhymes, silly phrases, and short-form of poems, which allows them to succeed with language. They are lighter and more at ease.


Writing a poem about senses in English may be difficult for children at first, but with practice, it becomes simpler. Allow your child's mind to roam and write whatever comes to mind. Make them strong enough to let go and let the emotions, words, and images flow freely with PlanetSpark's one-to-one training sessions. Book a demo class with us today!

Can your child learn poems about senses and feelings online?


The answer to this statement is sure shot yes. Poems about senses and feelings course, in particular, captivate individuals of all ages. PlanetSpark can easily develop poems about senses and feelings skills in kids, making them fabulous poets.


You may uncover the magic by introducing your child to several types of poems and allowing her to write her own. The poems about senses and feelings course empower children to invent language, and anyone can write poems, including young children. If we teach youngsters to hunt for poetic seeds, they will find them everywhere. They can be found in the clouds, the wind, a sensation, a cool stream, a friend's wacky hat, a cat cuddling up on our lap, a dog chasing a ball, or even a ridiculous dream.


These teach children the fundamentals of poems, such as building poems, pronouncing words, and repeating them in the correct order to communicate the poem's sentiments. The English poems about senses and feelings class online not only assist children in improving their reading and speaking skills and improve their writing abilities.


  • Poems about senses and feelings for elementary students allow them to express themselves while also learning about the emotions of others.

  • Short poems for children are typically shorter and more detailed in content.

  • Poems about senses and feelings training online are more pleasant to express their feelings.

  • Children with a strong sense of rhyme and rhyming skills are more likely to be successful readers and wordsmiths.

  • Poems about senses and feelings for primary students lay the foundation for the pronunciation of vowel sounds when children begin to learn phonics in Kindergarten.

  • Rhyme helps youngsters see patterns in sentences and how they're constructed, which helps with vocabulary knowledge and writing.

  • Poems about senses and feelings in class for students can perfectly depict every emotion -

  • Happiness

  • Sadness

  • Surprise

  • Shock

  • Thankfulness

  • Appreciation

  • Love, and so on.

  • Poems about senses and feelings courses for kids are an excellent approach to describing emotions in short, simple terms.

  • They typically develop a sense of voice and examine their subject matter, vocabulary, punctuation, and manner by creating their poems.

  •  Poems about senses and feelings for primary students provide children with the opportunity to express their ideas and thoughts on the subject.

  • Poem writing provides an opportunity to reflect on their memories, recreate them, and shape them with their voice.


At a time when the global is trying to connect, attempting to change, and working to develop at an alarming rate, and where community members, domestic, and events around the world can have such an impact on kid's education, poems about senses and feelings course seem more crucial than ever to help them understand and make sense of things, as well as provide some much-needed enjoyment and self-indulgence, whether through clever and funny rhymes that cheer them up or mythological poems that move them to a completely different environment.


Writing poems about senses and feelings is an excellent exercise for English language learners. It allows children to play around with vocabulary and freely convey their thoughts without being restricted by perfect language or strict patterns. Reading poetry teaches children about voice, pitch, volume, and inflection. While these are primarily speaking functions, they are also essential for children learning to read. Young readers can learn about speech patterns from poems about senses and feelings courses which can help them understand the words on the page. Want to experience one? Book a FREE Class with our Expert today!


A poem is similar yet different from a puzzle. When children debate about poems or share their opinions about what they are listening to, there is no right or wrong answer, giving them confidence in expressing their perspectives to others in the classroom. The melodies and rhythms of poems about senses and feelings course for kids aid in the development of reading fluency. Making poems an excellent vehicle for attracting struggling readers and motivating more confident readers to pay closer attention to the pages of a book: is an essential skill for reading comprehension.


Poems about senses and feelings for elementary students are vital in any young reader's literacy journey, from making reading joyful to teaching youngsters alternative ways to think about phonics sounds. The power of a beautiful poem can assist young children in making reading a reality. Make your child's journey of becoming a writer even more special with PlanetSpark. Please register your child for our courses on our website.

Best Poems about Senses and Feelings Course


Colour poem - Students discover that they have another channel for conveying their thoughts, feelings, and experiences after experimenting with poems about senses and feelings. Students are encouraged to imagine what colors taste, feel, smell, sound, and look like while thinking about them. They look at colorful poems in particular and imagery and symbolism. Before composing, revising, and publishing their color poem, students employ their five senses as a prewriting tool to influence their poetry writing.


Shape poem - A shape poem (also known as a concrete poem) is a poem written in the shape of a recognizable item. Students can use shape poems to explore words and concepts related to the object, which helps to develop poems about senses and feelings skills in kids.


Poem with 5 W's - This approach is ideal for teaching children the five W question words (Who, What, When, Where, and Why). Students can get quite creative with something very simple, which aids in learning poems about senses and feelings for primary students.


Bio-Poem - A bio-poem is a poem written by a student about themselves. It encourages your child to reflect on their life, but it also allows them to develop poems about senses and feelings skills in kids.


Attractive poetry - This is a satire of students' magnetic poetry on their refrigerators. Students are given miniature cards (index cards cut into smaller pieces) with learned vocabulary words on them, which they use to compose a poetic message in pairs. The cards can be kept in a small box and utilized throughout the year, or kids can cut magnets (such as those found in stores or restaurants) into little pieces and glue them on the backs of the cards to play with on the whiteboard or file cabinet. Help your children learn poems about senses and feelings online through PlanetSpark classes.


PlanetSpark is a useful platform. It is, in fact, the best for all youngsters and by far the most inspiring. To help your child improve their literacy abilities, PlanetSpark combines an engaging story, new digital technology, and excellent curriculum-aligned educational content.


Hearing poems about senses and feeling for elementary students is the best way to enjoy and teach them. Now that so many kids are learning at home, we've put together some resources to help you inspire your kids about the importance of poems about senses and feelings training online and the fun they can have exploring it. PlanetSpark allows young parents to enroll their children in the best hobby lessons available from the world's most inspiring teachers.


We've compiled a list of materials to assist readers in teaching poetry to your children. There are activities for all key levels, all based on recordings from the Poetry Collection and offering interesting, engaging ways to develop poems about senses and feelings skills in kids. Middle school students can learn about rhythm by reading poems about the senses and feelings of middle schoolers.


How a basic collection of words can disclose deep meanings and how your child can combine the words in the poem to make clear, crisp, and lyrical lines can be learned through PlanetSpark sessions.


Kids learn a lot of new terms from the English vocabulary when reading poems about senses and feelings for primary students. This aids in developing children's word knowledge, which ultimately leads to greater language knowledge. Furthermore, a simple change in the tone and pitch of words in these poems about senses and feelings for primary students can cause a significant adjustment in the ambiance the poem sets.


Children require a lot of guidance during their formative years. As a parent, you want to encourage your child to be the best in interpreting and writing poems about senses and feelings in English. The best-in-class is brought to you by PlanetSpark. Captivating worksheets and engaging general knowledge questions are available for children's learning. English rhymes for children's stories, essays, and trivia questions on various subjects to be taught to your child. Visit our website right away to enroll in our courses!


  • How does PlanetSpark develop poems about senses and feelings skills in kids?


PlanetSpark helps children learn new words, use them in sentences, and then create beautiful writing pieces by delivering thousands of entertaining and engaging lessons, challenges, and activities. This develops children's poems about senses and feelings skills.


  • What will my child learn about?


They'll learn everything from stories about miraculous creations to poems about senses and feelings, which will help kids be more self-assured and bold enough to face the outside world.


  • But my child doesn't like poems! Can this help?


In a nutshell, sure! PlanetSpark has been shown repeatedly to motivate even the most disinterested children to acquire a love of poetry. We are confident that your youngster will like the poems about senses and feelings.


  • What ages are best for PlanetSpark programs?


English Poems about Senses and Feelings class online is ideal for children and teenagers. When you sign up, you'll be able to choose your child's age, which will affect the type of lessons, challenges, activities, and language level they'll experience.


  • Can I check my child's progress?


You can surely do so. When your kid joins the PlanetSpark course on poems about feelings and senses, you'll get access to a parent account where you can keep track of your child's learning, accomplishments, and feedback from their tutor.


  • Can I use PlanetSpark class on a tablet?


PlanetSpark courses on developing poems about senses for kids are compatible with tablets, PCs, and laptops. We recommend using Safari or Google Chrome browsers for the greatest results.


  • Does PlanetSpark have a family subscription for the course on poems about feelings for elementary students?


Yes, you can have multiple children on your account. Select 'Start Trial' and then enter the desired number of children. You will then get to see the total cost of any such registrations.

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