
Tue, 15 Jan, 2019

Places to Donate Children's Books that You've Outgrown!

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Children reading books

Books are crucial in every student's life because they introduce children to a field of creativity, provide information, improve their learning, writing, and communication abilities, and promote memory and intellect. Planetspark helps to sharpen the communication skills and creative capacity of the children.

Places To Donate Books

Many books in a library

We frequently ignore the value of books which have a massive contribution to the life of children. There are so many places around us that are dependable on donations, and the following are the places:

  1. Free Local Library

It is a place where people can read books without any cost. There is a vast collection of texts presented in the library, but they are always searching for some more books. The local library is one of the essential places to donate books where people come and can read books. Go to a library and ask what kinds of books they need.

  1. To Non-Government Organization

There are so many NGOs that need books. These organizations collect and distribute older books to support poor children. Call neighbors and relatives with children of various ages, and tell everyone to contribute books they no longer desire.

  1. To Your Local School

School is the primary educational center for children, making any child's future. Go and ask your local school teachers if there is any need for a book you can give and make a list of these books. Contact the nearby childcare centers and preschool institutions if the books are directed more at the kindergarten community.

  1. Medical Institutions

Medical clinics, healthcare providers' offices, institutes, and even care homes may accept some book contributions.

  1. Online Platforms

If someone wants to donate books to anyone, he can take the help of the online platforms, which nowadays is one of the most significant ways to get access to anyone. Publish on the social media account that there is a stock of old books that someone wishes to donate and watch who replies. Planetspark is an ed-tech company that helps build the communicative skills of children and their overall growth.


Books help youngsters understand their surroundings, implant principles and ideals and teach what is good and evil. But so many children are not capable of buying whatever books they want, and they cannot gather knowledge even if they wish to. Books are the medium through which one can collect information about any topic; that's why we should donate books.

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  1. What is a book?

A book is for gathering knowledge and understanding the surroundings.

  1. Why should one contribute books?

So many children can't afford to buy books, but they have the moral to be educated for them, one should donate books.

  1. What is the best thing to do with old books?

The best thing to do with the old books is to donate them to needy children.

  1. Where is the best place to donate books?

 The best place to donate books is a local library.

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