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Tue, 13 Apr, 2021

Learn Rhyming, editing and repetition in English using fun games!

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Who doesn't remember the rhyme' twinkle twinkle'? Well, everyone? Correct? Poems are an essential part of childhood to learn rhyming, editing, and repetition. As a child, we learned to repeat, edit and recite the same few lines of poetry - and still remember every bit of it after all these years. That is the power of rhyming, editing, and repetition training. Poems were among the tools used before writing became common worldwide. The amalgamation of rhyme, rhythm, and metaphors like crying and laughter have been the tools to remember verses before scripts came in. Even today, it plays an important tool in introducing to kids the path to using rhyme and repetition to build reading confidence from kindergarten itself.

Learning rhyming, editing, and repeating the words a child hears, sees, or speaks is crucial for learning English or any other language. A big reason to learn a rhyming, editing, and repetition course for kids is to learn the art of associating the senses and feelings of the body and mind while writing and reading. While reciting poetry, a child has to use all five senses - mouth, ear, nose, eyes, and even touch. Like if a child reads 'ice cream while reciting a poem. Their taste buds feel its sweetness, touch remembers the cold, the sight will remember the melting of the ice cream, the smell will think about the chocolaty, creamy flavor, and of course, the ears remember the sound of the bell of the ice cream cart. Such is the power of rhyming, editing, and repetition training. PlanetSpark provides the best rhyming, editing, and repetition course online for kids of all ages. Want a glimpse of it? BOOK a FREE Session with our Expert today!

Types of Rhyme That Help to Learn Rhyming, Editing, and Repetition

Rhyming, editing, and repetition for kindergarten are integral parts of the Montessori curriculum from the first day. The reason? Rhyming, editing, and repetition for primary students learned during nursery are exciting, appealing, and memorable as we can carry them to our graves. While rhyming, editing, and repetition for kindergarten will be a fun and exciting activity, rhyming, editing, and repetition for middle schoolers will be more to understand and appreciate the layers of the unseen surface of poems. This is among the chief factors behind learning rhyming, editing, and repetition for kids from the first day of school. Another reason to start a rhyming, editing, and repetition course at an early age for your kids is to use rhyme and repetition to build reading confidence. If started at the correct age frame, rhyming, editing, and repetition can help to adapt to speaking and reading various languages from an early age.

Some of the types of rhymes and poems that can be used to learn rhyming, editing, and repetition course for kids are as follows -

  • Haiku Poems: This poetry format is an amalgamation of seasonal and natural metaphors from the Japanese culture for rhyming, editing, and repetition training. It is a part of the syllabus to learn rhyming, editing, and repetition for primary students in Japan. It is structured with only 17 syllables written in the present tense. It is not more than three lines to make it easy for kindergarten kids to read and recite.

The aim of this rhyming, editing, and repetition of short poetry is to make the child hear and see the sound and spelling of each syllable and repeat it.

  • Calligram Poems: for using rhyme, editing, and repetition to build reading confidence, a unique kind of poetry has been created where the layout and shapes of the words and letters hide the poem's meaning. This enforces the sight and mouth and touches the body's senses to understand and decode the rhyme. Moreover, calligram acts as a bridge between the creative and intellectual sides of the mind and helps understand and learn rhyming, editing, and repetition course.

  • Narrative Poetry: this is nothing but a type of storytelling to learn rhyming, editing, and repetition for kindergarten. Children love to listen to stories as it excites their minds to imagine new things. Narrative poems use the power of oral traditions to hear and remember to teach rhyming, editing, and repetition courses for elementary students.

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The main feature of this type is to read loudly to alert the auditory senses of the body. It has characters, dialogues, action, climaxes, and even morals. It is among the most used techniques to learn rhyming, editing, and repetition for primary students. 

  • Limerick: This poetry format dates back to the 18th century when the printing press was a fairly new technology. It is structured in a humorous format to make children laugh while trying to learn rhyming, editing, and repetition for middle schoolers. This type is usually used for kids who understand humor and have an understanding between jokes and conversation.

Moreover, it is put in the AABBA scheme of rhyme. Here the initial words of the poetry introduce the characters and the location. This type of writing encourages the kids to learn rhyming, editing, repetition, and storytelling. It brings a unique way of even teaching meters to recite poems and rap.

  • Free-Verse Poetry: This form of poetry is perfect for teaching rhyming, editing, and repetition to primary students. Reason? It does not follow the conventional path of meter, rhythm, and length of the poem. As the name suggests, poetry has periodic breaks and lengths of lines. It is more about the feel than the rules. The poetry includes similes and metaphors and, of course, has the suspense of storytelling.

The advantage of teaching rhyming, editing, and repetition for kindergarten this form of poetry is that - it will not restrict their creative minds. It encourages practice and learning to make one's lines and structure.

Our mentors pay special attention to each child while teaching primary students rhyming, editing, and repetition. This is done to ensure each child gets a personalized set as per their learning ability. With changing times, these various kinds of rhyming, editing, and repetition online courses are also available on our platform.

Improve your child's storytelling with Planet Spark's rhyming, editing, and repetition training

There are several reasons why you should encourage your child to participate in storytelling actively. It facilitates communication between the storyteller and the audience while also fostering a feeling of class community. Listeners become more aware of their participation in the narrative experience, which increases their confidence in their future capacity to express themselves. The three most critical parts of storytelling that our rhyming, editing, and repetition course focus on are as follows:

  • Rhyme - Your child may easily learn and grasp short and basic rhymes during storytelling. Oral storytelling often changes from speaker to speaker, but rhymes within the story remain set. Rhymes can be successfully added in stories containing repetition for students of all ages, even if they are entirely in rhyme form for small children.

  • Editing - Stories are supposed to elicit emotional responses from listeners. Ideally, the story elicits emotional responses, and these responses are unique for each listener, based on aspects such as personal experience, mood, attitude, and interpretation. As a result, the speaker needs to tailor the narrative to the listener's identity.

  • Repetition - A trait of traditional stories that makes them especially ideal for the English language, where repeating words and phrases is customary practice, is repetition. In a narrative, not only words but sounds and gestures can also be repeated, such as when they complement or clarify the meaning of words uttered. This repetition helps us understand the text's structures, collocations, and pronunciation.

At Planet Spark, our mentors help your child grow in these three aspects to become a compelling storyteller. Our curriculum involves one-to-one training as well to foster faster development. So, schedule a call with our mentors to learn more about our courses.  

Benefits of teaching Rhyming, Editing, and Repetition Course for Kids through rhymes

Childhood is about new self-discoveries, and among all this learning, rhyming, editing, and repetition are among the most important ones. Rhyme is a form of music that helps grow and develop your child's mind. Also, these rhymes tend to remain intact in the individual's mind even after growing grey hair. Such is the power of teaching rhyming, editing, and repetition courses.         

Over the years, rhymes have changed, with a new set coming in each year. What has remained the same? The ability of rhyming, editing and repetition training facilitate the child to learn and enjoy at the same time. Not just in India, but every education system understands the need and power of teaching rhyming, editing and repetition courses through rhymes and rhythm. Some of the benefits of rhymes are given below -

  • While learning rhyme, editing and repetition course is one of the primary developments in the child's communication skills. They learn to strike up a conversation and speak full sentences in the English language.

  • Another development takes place in the growth of physical enhancement. When a child recites a rhyme to learn rhyming, editing, and repetition - many motor skills are used, which enforces practice and development.

  • Self-growth is among the most crucial benefits of rhymes. Commonly famous for using rhyme and repetition to build reading confidence. Through rhymes, a child learns to self-control themselves in between lines, and reciting them aloud builds confidence.

  • A child has to learn every letter, word, and sentence to recite the rhyme. This gives rise to rhyming, editing, and repeating sentences during the learning process. This helps the child grow and develop cognitive skills that develop the brain. It accelerates concentration, develops thinking ability, and grows overall memory.  

  • Last but not least, your child gets rhyming, editing, and repetition training with the help of rhymes. Their ability to understand music and beats develops. This is a great way to accelerate the musical skills of your child.

Teaching rhyming, editing, and repetition in English using games

Rhyming, editing, and repetition in English are valuable learning abilities for youngsters. Even if you have ten minutes in the day, you can teach your youngster some fun rhyming games! These games include repeating specific sounds in two or more syllables, such as rat and sat and tear and sharing. These games aid in developing phonological awareness, or the capacity of children to hear, recognize and manipulate sounds in words. Your kid will learn to hear sounds in words due to their rhyming, editing, and repetition abilities, allowing them to read phrases and paragraphs efficiently. Some of the games that Planet Spark uses to make the learning process simpler for your child are:

  • Rhyme Challenge: The rhyme challenge game used by Planet Spark is a simple game that requires no resources or setup. Thus, it is one of the most commonly employed games in rhyming, editing, and repetition training to teach your youngster rhyming talent. We divide the online class students into two teams for this game. Any one member of the first team selects a word and dares the opposing team to say as many rhymes as possible using the selected word in less than a minute. For example, if Team A picks the word "cat," Team B must pronounce as many words as they can that rhyme with "cat." Our mentors maintain scores and award the winning team for making the task more intriguing.

  • Rapid Rhyme: The next game in the rhyming, editing, and the repeating course is more of a one-on-one activity for your children. In this game, two pupils compete against each other for a certain time. Our guide gives them a word to begin the game. The kids must then recite the words that rhyme with the provided word one by one. Assume, for example, that two students, X and Y, must compete against each other for one minute. If the word is "star," and student X is instructed to begin, both students must speak out rhyming syllables as quickly as possible for one minute. Whoever takes a break to consider a rhyming word loses.

  • Rhyme Task: Our mentors will flash a phrase on the screen in this game. Then, at random, a student is chosen from the class. The learner is then assigned a chore while the word is flashed. The job is totally up to the mentor's discretion and your child's ability. The following are some examples of tasks:

  1. Give five rhyming words of the same length as the displayed word.

  2. Create some phrases containing a word that rhymes with the one presented.

  3. Give the antonym of a word that rhymes with the one on the screen.

Our highly trained mentors know exactly how to make the learning process enjoyable for your kids. So please do not waste any further time and enroll your child with us through our website.

Why Choose PlanetSpark to Learn Rhyming, Editing, and Repetition Online?

PlanetSpark is among the top education platforms to give your child an overall learning experience from the 1st day of their education. From communication to grammar to rhyming, editing, and repetition, and from creative writing to learning rhymes - PlanetSpark is here to take care of all your child's learning needs and requirements. To make sure the courses are given a personal touch to every child, mentors at PlanetSpark provide one-to-one sessions to ensure your child has strong fundamental rights from taking courses like rhyming, editing, and repetition online.

The rhyming, editing, and repetition training is integrated with activities such as picture albums and playing games with rhymes and characters to facilitate kids with top-class learning from kindergarten. All this is to make sure a child has fun while learning courses like rhyming, editing, and repetition online at PlanetSpark. Some more reasons to choose us for teaching rhyming, editing, and repetition to your child are -

  • We provide good study materials to facilitate the learning of rhymes to recite, edit and remember.

  • We utilise various techniques of rhymes and rhythm to develop and learn overall rhyming, editing and repetition for primary students. 

  • We also offer mentorship sessions for your child to customize the learning process.


1. What is rhyme repetition in rhyming, editing, and repetition in English?

Rhyme repetition is an integral part of rhyming, editing, and repetition in poems. It is a repetition of similar-sounding words two or more times. It is usually used in the second half of the sentence in maybe one or more words. It is used to write poems, songs, and poetry.

2. What are the three types of rhyme schemes in rhyming, editing, and repetition online?

There are a lot of rhyming schemes, but the most common ones are:

  • Alternate Rhyme

  • Ballade

  • Coupled Rhyme

3. What is the ABCD rhyme scheme for students in the rhyming, editing, and repetition course?

By ABCD rhyme scheme, we mean when none of the ending words in a sentence rhyme with the ending word of the previous sentence.

4. What is the rhyme scheme AABB in rhyming, editing, and repetition training?

This type of rhyme has couplets in which the rhythm of the successive line gives a path to another pair of rhyming lines.

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