
Fri, 07 Feb, 2020

John F. Kennedy’s Scandals and Assassination!

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The 35th president of the US, John F. Kennedy, was shot dead on November 22, 1963, in a motorcar in Dallas, Texas. Various theories revolve around his assassination, but as per the official record, he was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald; he was the only gunman in his assassination.

Still, many people don't believe that he was the only man responsible for killing him. In fact, a couple of years ago, President Trump released over 3000 files on the JFK assassination.

JFK’s Assassination

John F. Kennedy

His assassination was a shock for the entire country, and later Lee Harvey Oswald was also murdered by nightclub owner Jack Ruby. In fact, there were a lot of people who were suspects in his assassination, such as the involvement of the CIA, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, the Mafia, the KGB, Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro and many other people.

It has been stated that the Federal Government intentionally covered up the essential proofs, facts and information of the assassination. Immediately after the murder of JFK, many people thought that it was a part of some big conspiracy.

The primary reason behind it was Oswald's murder done by Ruby on November 24. Oswald never appeared in court for his trial; he was murdered before that. This cannot be an act done by an individual; instead, it was a big conspiracy against JFK.

The Assassination

John F. Kennedy

On November 21, 1963, President JFK was with his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy, going to deliver a speech in Trade Mart. At that time, Vice President Johnson went to Texas for two days for fundraising. This trip was to get together with a feuding Democratic party in a state important to Kennedy's prospects for reelection in 1964.

The President was greeted well in the first two cities: San Antonio and Houston. He spent the night in Fort Worth on November 21. He delivered a speech the following day, on November 22, in the parking lot in front of the hotel.

After that, he and his team took a flight to Dallas. At the airport, they met many people and then headed in an open convertible with his wife and Democratic Texas Gov. John Connally. They were going to the Trade Mart, where he was supposed to give a speech. More than 200,000 people were waiting for him, and the distance was 10kms from the Dallas airport to the Trade Mart.

Around 12.30, the President was shot at the base of his neck that passed through the Governor's shoulder. JFK was hit with another bullet on the back of the head. He was taken to the Parkland Memorial Hospital, but he was declared dead at 1.

Conspiracy Against JFK Assassination

The CIA- A lot of people believed that the CIA might be included in the conspiracy as they did not want Kennedy to discharge the CIA agents. Plus, the agency was also upset with him because of the modifications he did within the agency after the failed Bay of Pigs attack.

The Mafia- It has also been claimed that mobs were unhappy with JFK's brother Robert Kennedy. He was the Attorney General at that time; they were angry with him because he cracked organised crime. Another theory says that the mafia worked with anti-Castro exile groups that wanted JFK out of their way.

The Soviets- In 1962, there was a Cuban Missile Crisis, which gave the KGB, the Soviet security agency, reasons to kill JFK. In fact, Oswald was also an ex-Marine, so he might have been working for them as an agent.

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  1. Why do people suspect that Vice President Lyndon Johnson was also a part of the conspiracy?

The reason behind it is that he was seeing political gain for himself. JFK and Lyndon always had disparities in views and work style, plus he also wanted to become the President, so he might have thought of taking him away from his way.

  1. Was there one shooter or two shooters on the site?

Various theories state that there might be two shooters as the other must be hiding behind a picket fence on a grassy knoll.

  1. Who caught Oswald after the assassination?

After 15 minutes of the murder, he was found leaving the boarding house. He was caught by a Dallas policeman, J.D. Tippit, but Oswald killed him. Later, around 1.50, he was seen entering the Texas Theater and was seized by the police.

  1. Where was JFK shot from?

As per a report, it is believed that all of the bullets fired at JFK came from the sixth-floor window at the southeast corner of the Texas School Book Depository.

  1. How many bullets were fired on JFK?

There were three bullets shot at JFK.

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