Grammar Fanatic

Mon, 13 Jul, 2020

Is your Class 7 child aware about these 7 types of Pronouns?

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A pronoun is a word utilized to replace a noun; usually, it is used to avert the repetition of nouns in a sentence or a paragraph. Some examples of nouns are she, he, him, her, I, me, you, your, us, we, they, them, etc. They are used to enhance the reading and writing experience by removing the repetition of nouns.

Let us make the studies easier and understand the usage of English Grammar Pronouns Class 7 with the help of examples:

Example 1: Misha loves to eat Ice Cream

Here the word or name Misha is a noun, and if you use 'she' instead of the name, it is a pronoun.

So, we can write -

She loves to eat Ice Cream.

Example 2: Amit is going to the mall, and Amit wants to buy a pen from there.

Again, Amit is the noun, and using it twice brings monotony to the sentence.

Therefore, you can write -

Amit is going to the mall, and he wants to buy a pen from there.

So, you used ‘He,' i.e., a pronoun, instead of using a noun twice.

This shows how important it is to English Grammar Pronouns as they are beneficial in your day-to-day usage in both writing and speaking. You can learn about Pronouns from our English Language Expert too! BOOK a FREE Class today!

Types Of Pronoun

There are seven types of pronouns that you should know about in detail if you want to fetch good marks in CBSE Class 7 English Grammar Pronouns:

Personal Pronouns

These pronouns refer to a particular person or thing. They are used as a substitute for people or things, and their form changes when you indicate a number, person, gender, or case.

There are three kinds of personal pronouns:

  • Subjective Personal Pronouns: They are the principal subject of the sentence. For example - 

  • She straight away went to the hall.

  • They are going to play Soccer.

  • You came late; she got really angry.

  • Objective Personal Pronouns: They are the principal object of the sentence. For example -

  • The library teacher asked my sister and me to stop talking.

  • He indicated the different sides of the street and said to be careful of them.

  • Missing the bus will cause us to be late.

  • Possessive Personal Pronouns: You will also study the possessive personal pronouns in Grade 7 Grammar Lesson 11 Pronouns. These pronouns state possession; it shows or defines that an individual or a group of people owns that specific product or object. For example -

  • Is this pen yours or mine?

  • All the colors placed on the table are yours.

  • No one's garden has so many plants as theirs, not even ours.

Demonstrative Pronouns

These pronouns substitute a noun or a noun phrase that has been cited in the sentence already or is obvious from the context. They direct to and help identify a noun or a pronoun. Some of the demonstrative nouns are this, that, those, these, etc. Let us understand them with the help of an example:

  • These dresses are damn appealing.

  • This cannot be right.

  • That girl is very nice.

Reflexive Pronouns

These are the pronouns where the action is taken or done on yourself. They majorly refer to the subject of the sentence, and the subject & object of a verb points to the same thing. Some of the reflexive nouns are itself, yourself, themselves, myself, etc. Let us understand them with the help of an example:

  • I made this patty all by myself.

  • They should be scornful of themselves.

  • Take adequate care of yourself.

Interrogative Pronouns

They are basically used for asking questions. Some interrogative nouns are where, who, what, which, whose, etc. Let us understand them with the help of an example:

  • What is your maiden name?

  • Who all have their flight today?

  • When is your exam date?

Relative Pronouns

They are slightly different pronouns connecting a relative clause or a statement to another clause. Some of the relative nouns are which, whichever, whoever, that, whom, etc. Let us understand them with the help of an example:


  • The woman who came on Monday was a police officer.

  • Whoever made the dish made a mistake.

  • My grinder, which is seven years old, still works well.

Intensive Pronouns

They might appear similar to the reflexive pronouns but are not the same. Intensive pronouns add emphasis to their antecedent. Let us understand them with the help of an example and learn the difference between reflexive and intensive pronouns:

  • I made this cake.

  • I made this cake myself.

  • You should tell everyone about the importance of Education.

  • You yourself should tell everyone about the importance of Education.

Indefinite Pronouns

When you want to replace a noun that does not have a name or number, you can substitute them using Indefinite Pronouns. Therefore, they are identifiable pronouns but not a specified person or thing. Some indefinite nouns are anyone, everyone, many, none, etc. Let us understand them with the help of an example:

  • Everyone comprehended the concept well.

  • All of them were happy after the session.

  • You get me a few oranges.

These are the essential English Grammar Pronouns for Class 7; it is necessary to know them to get good marks in the subject and clear your concepts.You can also attend a FREE Class with our grammar Expert to get your concepts in place!

English Grammar Practice – Pronouns

Choose the correct Pronoun.

Q1. My brother loves dancing. (He/She) is a good dancer.

A1. My brother loves dancing. He is a good dancer.

Q2. Rita says that (he/she/it) likes to eat apples.

A2. Rita says that she likes to eat apples.

Q3. (They/he) went to their relative's place on Sunday.

A3. They went to their relative's place on Sunday.

Q4. (She/he) is Ritu (her/my/she) is (her/my) cousin.

A4. She is Ritu she is my cousin.

Q5. John finished writing the letter (himself/themself).

A5. John finished writing the letter himself.

Q6. Sahil got (everything, all) she liked at the trade fair.

A6. Sahil everything she liked at the trade fair.

Choose the correct Pronoun.

For CBSE Class 7 English Grammar practice, it is vital for you to go through these practice questions:

Q1. The woman…..asked the address was Spanish.

a.     What

b.    anyone

c.     Why

d.    Who

A1. The woman who asked for the address was Spanish.

Q2. We give …

a.     Themselves

b.    Us

c.     Each other

d.    she

A2. We give each other gifts.

Q3. Has….seen my watch?

a.     You

b.    Anyone

c.     Something

d.    Us

A3. Has anyone seen my watch?

Q4. I haven’t seen…. for months.

a.     Her

b.    herself

c.     Us

d.    they

A4. I haven’t seen her for months.

Q5. I found the way there……

a.     yourself

b.    us

c.     myself

d.    ourselves

A5. I found the way there myself.

This was about the Grade 7 Grammar Lesson 11 Pronouns. You can get more information, practice questions, and notes on PlanetSpark. We have experienced mentors to help kids with their queries and briefly explain every concept. Your child can now learn in a fun way so that studies no more seem boring and tough to them.


What are the rules of Pronouns?

For getting good marks in Grade 7 Grammar Lesson 11 Pronouns, you need to know the rules of Pronouns:

  • The pronouns you compare must be in the same case. For example, Our teacher helps me more than her.

  • Objects form in a sentence. For example, I scolded her.

  • If the Pronoun is an object of the verb, it must be in the objective case.

What are the three cases in which the pronouns are classified?

Here is the classification of the pronouns:

  • Objective case (He, she, they, I, it, we, etc.)

  • Subjective case (her, him, me, you, us, it, them, etc.)

  • Possessive case (its, his, my/mine, her/hers, your/yours)

What are distributive pronouns?

They primarily direct to the people, animals, and things as individuals within bigger groups. For example: Chickpeas and okra are available in the main course. Neither of them is my favorite.

What are Reciprocal pronouns?

There are only two reciprocal pronouns which are each another and one another. These pronouns always state about two or more people, and both of them are the subjects of the sentence. For example: All my cousins blame one another for breaking the vase.

How much time does it take to prepare for the Class 7 English Grammar Pronouns?

If you have the proper guidance and clear conceptual understanding, it will not take much time to be well-versed with this topic. You can also seek guidance from our PSAT Qualified Expert and start the journey today!

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