Grammar Fanatic

Wed, 28 Jul, 2021

How to make adjectives fun and easy to learn: A class 5 guide to English Grammar!

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Adjectives play an important role in English grammar. They effectively improve  English speaking skills and writing skills. They also enhance the quality of a sentence. Class 5 English grammar plays a crucial part in teaching the students the importance of adjectives. 

Adjectives are also called describing words. Adjectives describe nouns, places, animals, persons or objects. They also describe the size, shape, feelings, number, etc., of any pronoun or noun. Examples of adjective words are ten, red, more, big, etc. there are many degrees of adjectives and types of adjectives. You can also visit PlanetSpark for more information.

Want to impress your teacher and friends with your grammar skills? Master adjectives with these helpful tips and tricks

Types of Adjectives

There are 9 types of adjectives for class 5. Each type of adjective is unique, with rules and examples. Eight types of adjectives are given below with their underlined examples.

  1. Descriptive adjectives

The word 'descriptive' itself explains that words are used to describe pronouns and nouns. These describing words are known as descriptive adjectives. They can also be called qualitative adjectives. 


  • I have a faster bike. (here, the word faster describes the bike)

  • My cat is slower than yours. (here, the word slower describes the cat)

  1. Quantitative adjectives 

These define the quantity or amount of nouns or pronouns. The questions like ‘how many?’ or ‘how much?’ are described by quantitative adjectives.


  • I have 20 rupees in my pocket. (how much)

  • Resham has three chocolates. (how many)


  1. Proper adjectives

A word by modifying nouns or pronouns, originally formed by any proper noun, is known as a proper adjective. It describes a noun specifically. 


  • Indian cricket players are very famous.

  • Korean workers work hard. 

  1. Demonstrative adjectives

Demonstrative adjectives point out to a specific object, person, animal, etc. or refer to something or someone. Demonstrative adjectives are this, that, those and these. 


  • That river is clean. (singular noun, far from the person)

  • This pen is mine. (singular noun, close to the person)

  • Those birds are beautiful. (plural noun, far from the person)

  • These colours are yours. (plural noun, far from the person)

  1. Possessive adjectives 

Possessive adjectives describe ownership of anything or its possessiveness. Here, reference is made to anything/ anyone which is pointed out. The most common possessive adjectives are their, their, our, your, and me. 


  • My car is parked outside.

  • His cat is very smelly.

  • Our work is not done.

  1. Interrogative adjectives 

Interrogative adjectives are used in questionable sentences. They are used to asking questions. Any pronoun or noun follows interrogative adjectives. The most common adjectives are which, whose, what, etc. 


  • Which phone do you have?

  • What game do you rarely play?

  • Whose truck is this?

  1. Indefinite adjectives

Indefinite adjectives are used to modify a noun in a nonspecific manner. These words offer some indefinite or uncertain information about any noun. Some common indefinite adjectives are any, all, each, either, neither, several, etc. 


  • He gave some rice to her.

  • Mehak wanted a few moments alone with the kid. 

  1. Compound adjectives 

The nouns modified by other compound nouns are known as compound adjectives. They can be identified with a quotation mark or a hyphen between the words. 


  • Manish saw a seven-foot-long snake.

  • You have a broken-down toy.

  1. Absolute adjectives 

An adjective word with a meaning that can not be generally compared or intensified is an absolute adjective. Absolute adjectives are mostly found in the form of superlative degrees. Some words like almost virtually or early can be added with these adjectives. These adjectives can also be called ultimate or incomparable.


  • She is dead.

  • This jewel is unique.

Degrees of Adjectives

Learning adjectives

English grammar in class 5 includes 3-degree kinds of adjectives. These degrees are there so that adjectives can compare one object to another. Overall comparison can also be made with these degrees of adjectives. For example, compare the most intelligent girl with the whole class, compare the biggest or largest animal on the Earth with the rest of the animals, etc. The three degrees of adjectives are positive, comparative and superlative. 

For more information on English Grammar Adjectives for Class 5, book a FREE class now!

  1. Positive degree of adjectives

A positive degree of adjectives is used when there is no comparison between two pronouns or nouns.

  1. Comparative degree of adjectives 

When there is a comparison between two nouns or pronouns, comparative degrees of adjectives are used.

  1. Superlative degree of adjectives 

Where there is a comparison between more than two nouns or pronouns, then superlative degrees of adjectives are used.

Positive degree

Comparative degree 

Superlative degree 


More beautiful

Most beautiful



The oldest



The biggest


farther/ further

The farthest/ the furthest 






The dirtiest



The cleanest


More difficult 

The most difficult 


List of irregular forms of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives in class 5 English grammar:


Positive degree 

Comparative degree

Superlative degree

















Exercise on adjectives for class 5

Here are some solved exercises on degrees of adjectives in English grammar for class 5 given below.

  1. My house is bigger than hers.

  2. This is the most interesting book I have ever read.

  3. Which is the most dangerous animal in the world.

  4. Strangely, orange juice is more expensive than a cold drink

  5. The weather this winter is even worse than last winter. 

  6. Mayank is older than Ravi.

  7. That is a very small car.

  8. This is the warmest blanket in the house.

  9. Mr Sharma is the nicest teacher in the school.

  10. Winter is the most wonderful season of all.

Here are some solved exercises on the types of adjectives given below.

  1. Sheela is a clever girl. (adjective of quality)

  2. Lotus is a beautiful flower. (adjective of quality)

  3. Aluminium is a useful metal for construction. (adjective of quality)

  4. There is not enough milk in the bottle. (adjective of quantity)

  5. The dog ate the whole bread. (adjective of quantity)

  6. Each student was given chocolate. (distributive adjective)

  7. Those mangoes are ripe. (demonstrative adjective)

  8. The cat has its dinner. (possessive adjective)

  9. This is my phone. (possessive adjective)

  10. That girl is very active. (that- demonstrative adjective and active- adjective of quality)

Get ahead in English class with these adjective resources for Class 5 students!

CBSE class 5 English adjective sentences

Here are some other CBSE class 5 English adjective solved exercises and sentences given below.

  1. Mango is a tasty fruit.

  2. Chennai is a large city.

  3. The elephant is the largest animal on the land.

  4. Raj is an innocent boy.

  5. Ravi is an honest boy.

  6. Raveena is a dumb girl.

  7. He does not have much money.

  8. I have bought some oranges.

  9. There has not been sufficient rain this year.

  10. There are several mistakes in this letter.

  11. December is the last month of the year.

  12. Do you have any chocolates? 


Adjectives are a very important part of class 5 English grammar. In simple words, adjectives act as modifiers for a noun or pronoun. They denote the quality of any named thing to indicate the quantity or extent and specify a thing different from some other thing. CBSE class 5 English adjective sentences are best for explaining types of adjectives. 

These words can also be said as describing words. There are 9 types of adjectives- descriptive, quantitative, proper, demonstrative, possessive, interrogative, indefinite, compound and absolute adjectives. There are also 3-degree kinds of adjectives- positive, superlative and comparative degree. Adjectives play an important role in increasing the quality of the sentence. Nevertheless, adjectives improve the skills of English grammar.

For more information, talk to our experts now!


  1. Which degree is used to describe, not to compare?

The positive degree, also known as the normal degree, is just used to describe, not compare.

  1. How can you easily identify that a word is an adjective?

The easiest way to identify that a word is an adjective is by looking for a word (describing word) before a noun or pronoun that describes that noun/ pronoun. 

  1. How can you arrange adjectives in order?

The common arrangement of adjectives in order is - quantity, opinion, size, age, colour, shape, origin, material and purpose.

  1. Why is the order of adjectives important?

The order of adjectives is important to make sure that the sentence makes sense when you read or write it.

  1. What is the purpose of adjectives?

It is known that adjectives are used to modify nouns and pronouns. Their main purpose is to describe words that provide additional information and characteristics about nouns and pronouns. They are generally placed before the nouns/ pronouns. 

  1. What are some basic questions that are demonstrated by interrogative adjectives?

Some basic questions that are demonstrated by interrogative adjectives are whose? What? Which? Why? When? Where? and how? 

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