The art of Public Speaking

Fri, 28 Feb, 2020

Hosting TV Show Courses for Kids to Get Ahead in Their Careers

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About Hosting A TV Show Course For Kids

Consider the following scenario for your child: your kid is presenting a talk show, and he/she comes across as entertaining, charming, and very natural. If your kid can host a children's TV show and look confident, easygoing, and conversational while still being able to connect with his/her guests on an emotional level, wouldn't it be wonderful?

Being a presenter entails being on the cutting edge of the television industry. While it may be time-consuming and challenging at times, it can also be exhilarating, intriguing, and profoundly fulfilling when done well. Working in this field might include presenting and hosting children's TV shows reporting on special events, reading the news, dealing with live audiences, and interviewing individuals from all walks of life.

However, breaking into the television presenting profession may be a difficult endeavour, which is why it's critical to learn all your kid can about what it takes to become the next David Letterman or Ryan Seacrest. Hosting TV Show Courses for Kids helps your kid to learn how to add something unique to a programme by concentrating on your talents and developing your brand; this is critical in your kid’s quest to become an outstanding host of a TV show.

Hosting a TV Show Course for Children offers the groundwork for them to become a part of an exciting world, while also teaching them crucial techniques and tips of the trade that will help them succeed. Our Hosting TV Show Training Online will help kids hone their Hosting skills and make them future-ready. Book a FREE Trial Class right now to get your child started on the journey of becoming a confident presenter.

Benefits Of Planetspark Hosting TV Show Classes

The Hosting TV Show Course at PlanetSpark has been built keeping in mind children's cognitive and emotional aptitude. Since all youngsters are not born with the skills of a good presenter, we recognise that some require the correct platform and training. PlanetSpark combines learning with fun activities that have advanced technology, and come with the following benefits:

  • Live, one-on-one online Hosting TV Show Class for Children

There is no substitute for one's own personal instruction and training. Our 1:1 online hosting TV show classes for kids provide tailored and practical learning experiences that help students develop a more positive overall personality.

  • Experts curate programmes for you.

Experts from Harvard and XLRI design hosting TV show courses for kindergarten, and they are offered at PlanetSpark. It is important to note that each certification programme is unique and filled with ideas of public speaking and other communication skills that have been beneficial to experts in their personal and professional lives.

  • Qualified and committed trainers

PlanetSpark's hosting TV show training instructors are highly qualified professionals with a good command of the English language. Our online hosting TV show instructors are also certified by the PlanetSpark Aptitude Test (PSAT).

  • Comprehensive course material

Your kids will gain confidence, increase fluency, and conquer their fear of cameras by participating in the hosting TV show course at PlanetSpark. Our one-of-a-kind training programme assures that children's interpersonal skills are improved while their whole personalities are enhanced as a result of their participation.

  • Engaging and creative activities

It is an exciting, inventive, and interesting experience to take PlanetSpark’s hosting TV show course for kids. A variety of educational and amusing projects, such as 'Master Debaters,' 'Learn to give a TED Presentation,' and 'Creating your Podcast Channels,' keep youngsters engaged and motivated while they are learning.

Take advantage of our no-obligation FREE Trial now and see how our Hosting tv show training programme develops confident communicators!

Hosting TV Show For Kids Curriculum Details

The hosting TV show course at PlanetSpark is part of the comprehensive Communication Skills Program. An activity-centric pedagogy combined with short learning projects is intended to foster the development of strong communication skills among students.

Curriculum details

  • Daily conversation skills

Good Manners

Going Out in Public Places

Social Interaction

Telephone Etiquettes

Solving Problems and Reporting Emergencies

Dealing with difficult people

  • Voice modulation

Emphasis and subordination

Change of pitch

Change of pace

Pause and power


  • Body language

Body movements and personal space

Facial expressions

Eye contact

Hand and feet movements

  • Words for effective communication

Mispronounced words

Common phrasal verbs

Interactive Vocabulary

  • Public speaking


Group discussion




  • Active listening

  • Storytelling

Book a FREE trial of Hosting tv shows Classes at PlanetSpark now!

Hosting TV Show Course Activities & Worksheets

Hosting TV show training is critical to enriching your child's environment with fresh experiences and activities daily throughout their years of growth and development. Such exposure aids in their general development as well as in sharpening their personalities. Children can benefit from a variety of entertaining and engaging methods for personality development, which will encourage them to remain committed to hosting TV show activities.

Practical and fun activities that you, as a parent, can engage your child in to start learning hosting TV show skills are

  • Art activities with a message

Art is a beautiful tool for allowing youngsters to express themselves. Instruct your child to sketch anything they would want to do or see, and you may be surprised by their level of inventiveness!

  • Public speaking

Learning public speaking at an early age is very beneficial to children to learn about hosting TV shows. Give your kid a microphone and encourage them to get used to the sound of their voice. Prepare with them by putting on performances with your friends and family. Children who participate in such activities are more likely to overcome stage fright and to feel confident while performing in front of an audience.

To begin with, establishing a reading habit in children might be a difficult task. On the other hand, children who learn to appreciate reading at an early age are readers for life. Reading aloud to your children is a beautiful way to strengthen your relationship with them, and it also aids in their social and emotional development.

  • Storytelling

Children of all ages appreciate reading books and listening to stories that have rhyme, rhythm, and repetition. Storytelling for children encourages brain growth, stimulates their creativity, and aids in developing language and emotions.

Spending time with other children and other adults, in addition to spending time with members of your own family, is quite helpful for young children. Socialization is essential for children to acquire proper etiquette and social behaviour and to develop their self-esteem.

  • Physical activity & exercise

Sports and activities are crucial for youngsters to learn social interaction and to develop self-confidence as they get older. Physical development helps children to have more fun while making friends and understanding the importance of working as a team.

  • Role-playing games

Pretend play is an excellent activity for youngsters to engage in while developing their personalities. Involve your kid in role-playing activities and have them mimic scenes that they have seen in their surroundings, such as riding a bus, eating at a restaurant, shopping at a mall, and so on.

Children who learn to appreciate the process of personality development at an early age are more likely to continue working on themselves throughout their whole lives. Several activities described above will inspire your kid to interact with and learn about the world around them.

 Tips To Raise An Effective Presenter For Hosting TV Show For Kids

Building strong communication skills in children is critical for their future success; the more advanced your child's ability to communicate is, the higher their quality of life will be in the future becoming a host of a tv show.

Furthermore, preparing your kid to be a great communicator can help them thrive in the future of hosting TV show skills. Today, every profession requires a person who is excellent at speaking, and if your kid has excellent communication skills, they will have a competitive edge over their peers.

Given the importance of being an excellent communicator, you may be wondering how to train your kid to be a great communicator. Here are eight strategies to help your youngster communicate more effectively with others:

  • Encourage them to be active listeners

An excellent discussion requires active participation on the part of both the speaker and the listener to be successful. Functional listening skills in children will assist them in developing a rapport with the person who is speaking while conversing, which will also help them in hosting tv shows. It demonstrates respect by informing the speaker that they are being heard and understood.

  • Instill self-belief in them

Children who are confident in their abilities communicate more effectively. Confidence increases a person's trustworthiness and allows them to convey their requirements more effectively. Improving your child's confidence by expanding their vocabulary so that they feel comfortable while speaking is one approach to do so.

  • Take advantage of constructive feedback

A brilliant communicator can't be afraid of constructive criticism. Instead, they recognize that receiving complaints is critical to improving their performance. Allow your child to understand that they should not be insulted by constructive criticism and that criticism will help them become better communicators in the future.

  • The importance of clarity in one's thinking

When your kid is clear about what they want to say, they will be able to communicate more effectively. They will know what to say and be able to structure their sentences so that others will comprehend what your kid is saying.

  • Hold a storytelling session

Holding storytelling workshops for children can improve their communication skills and help them become more effective communicators in the future. Refer to the 6 Ways to Teach the Art of Storytelling to your children.

  • Instill a sense of decency in them

Making your youngster courteous will encourage others to take an interest in what they have to say. Teach your youngster to provide a courteous greeting to everyone before speaking. It demonstrates that they have excellent manners, helps them to build a positive reputation, and encourages others to treat your kid with respect.

  • Using appropriate body language

Whether or not you are aware of it, your posture and body language influence communication. Encourage your children to use appropriate body language while communicating. Maintaining a calm demeanor expresses power and demonstrates confidence.

You can show your child footage of influential public speakers delivering speeches to teach them how to use good body language. Allow them to see how politicians get an advantage over their opponents by looking comfortable, speaking slowly, and using body motions to demonstrate confidence in connecting with their audience.

  • Encourage public speaking

Children must practise public speaking to become effective communicators. Your kid may be nervous about this experience, especially if they are timid. However, there is no better way to become a better communicator than to speak in front of a large audience. 

A brilliant communicator can talk regardless of the number of people in the audience who are paying attention. Public speaking draws attention to your child's strengths and flaws while also assisting them in developing good communication skills. 

For more information, click here and book a FREE class NOW!

PlanetSpark Hosting TV Show Course Testimonials

  • “Learning with PlanetSpark has been a beautiful experience. She assisted my daughter in developing a strategy and providing the encouragement and confidence she needed to interact socially, which has given her immense confidence. Her body language also helped her communicate better—thankyou, PlanetSpark.”

Anita Goswami


  • “My son, from being shy and not confident in speaking publicly, and now being confident in front of the camera and speaking confidently is a journey of my son. A skill that can only be developed by someone who has a thorough understanding of it. PlanetSpark has a firm grasp of the material, which helped my son speak publicly confidently.”




  1. What is the job of a TV host?

The television show host is a TV presenter who works for a television network. Introducing reporters and providing comments on different events, sports, news, and other programs are some of the responsibilities of this position. You may have to write your screenplay if you hold a certain job.

  1. How do you become a good show host?

To be a good talk show presenter, you must be able to communicate and transmit ideas entertainingly and straightforwardly. Live broadcasting requires rapid thinking and the capacity to improvise.

  1. What is the significance of TV hosts?

A television talk show host is the program's primary presenter and core element, and they provide the viewers with a dependable, recognizable character to connect to. The purpose of a television talk show presenter is to build a following and keep viewers coming back for the next instalment of the program. 

  1. What abilities do TV hosts require?

  • The skills your child would need are:

  • Knowledge in media creation and communication is required.

  • Excellent ability to communicate verbally.

  • The capacity to take criticism and operate effectively under duress.

  • Must be meticulous and pay close attention to the smallest of details.

  • The talent of active listening.

  • The capacity to take action on their own.

  • Adaptability and willingness to adjust

  1. What exactly is PlanetSpark?

Children in grades 1-10 can use PlanetSpark to study communication and creative writing. We have curated an exclusive hosting TV show course for children of different ages.

  1. What is the approach of PlanetSpark education?

To achieve the best academic and conceptual competency, PlanetSpark has its unique STEPS strategy based on research. Game-based learning and inquiry-based learning are two of the methods used in the curriculum.

  1. Where do I get a free trial?

To get a free trial for a hosting TV show course, you just need to open the PlanetSpark website, and on the right hand of the page, you will see a button ‘Book Your Free Trial’. Click on that and fill in the necessary details for the hosting TV show course for students. Our experienced faculty will guide you further in the process.

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