
Sun, 24 Mar, 2019

Hard Work is the Key to Success!

When I was studying in school, my parents used to tell me that hard work always pays off. Today, I have understood that this is a universal truth because without determination, commitment, and persistent hard work, one cannot achieve their goals towards a path to success.

Let's get to know this with a real-life example. I wanted to go to a beautiful village in Himachal Pradesh. However, the only possibility to reach that place was to trek over the mountains and dark woods.

A man working hard

When I reached the place, the feeling was incredible. The tough trek was worth all the pain. So, to see something as pretty as a picture, I had to work hard to reach the destination. Without putting in my efforts to cover the journey of 14 hours by foot, I could not have experienced that village's magnetism.

The same goes for studies as well. Working hard is significant to learn knowledge and develop your skills that enhance confidence and self-esteem.

Sometimes, I used to feel what's the point of working hard to study and achieving good grades in school tests & examinations. I used to feel demotivated and did not feel like studying at all. However, somehow my parents and I kept pushing me to study extensively and score well.

Now, when I got the scholarship from one of the top-rated universities in India, I think that all the hard work and persistence has been completely worth it.

It is better if you work hard in silence and let success make the noise. Achieving your goals by working hard leads to self-satisfaction. Remember, even if some of your goals lag behind, hard work will give you positivity and build the endurance indispensable to success.

The consequences of your courageous personal decisions and willingness to stick to them are also very important. So, even if you try and fail, your focus must be on the vision, which encourages you to work hard and have the endurance to keep pushing through even after you fail.  

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  1. Why should I work hard?

Hard work promotes your professional and personal development and helps you set an example for others to follow.


  1. Why Do People Get Jealous When Someone Succeeds in Life?

The success achieved by those people is because of all the hard work they put in.

However, no one will consider that. The other people will give most of the credit to your luck as they are deeply rooted in personal insecurity. Can't help it!

Never hate jealous people, and always respect their jealousy. As they only envy you because they think that you are better than them. So, why hate them?

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