
Tue, 23 Jul, 2019

Focus On a Music Sub-Culture and How it Has Empowered that Group of People!

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Hip hop is a music subculture that emerged in the 1970s. It came as a reaction to the gang culture in South Bronx, New York City. Hip hop, today, is a worldwide phenomenon that excites and inspires people. 

Born in New York City, hip hop is everywhere today. From the Middle East to the Indian subcontinent, hip hop is a music genre enjoyed by everyone alike. Hip hop is also considered a cultural movement that has contributed to not only music but also dance and other art forms.

Hip Hop: Empowering the Black Community

Hip hop music

Hip hop gives voice to marginalised communities across the globe. It is an outlet for all those who wish to express their identity freely without any inhibitions. Hip hop music is also referred to as rap music. It is a musical form that enables individuals to convey their anger, pain, and angst. 

Hip hop also focuses on people’s lived experiences, giving the musical medium more authenticity and power. The black community embraced hip hop and used it as a medium to express their vulnerability. It was referred to as the “CNN for Black People”. 

Since its emergence, hip hop has been accused of instigating violence. What people tend to forget is the healing effect that hip hop has had on marginalised communities. Hip hop was that artistic endeavour that people could channel all their fear and anger into, helping them heal and overcome the suppression they felt. Rap is believed to be the cultural experience that comes as a result of the political and cultural oppression faced by the black community.

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  1. Who is considered to have started the hip-hop culture?

DJ Kool Herc, Afrika Bambaataa, and Grandmaster Flash are considered to be pioneers in hip-hop culture. They are known as the holy trinity of hip hop.

  1. What themes are in hip hop?

Several themes are employed in hip-hop music. Some of the recurring themes include social justice, peace, community, and respect. While themes in some contemporary hip hop are controversial, hip hop originally dealt with the aforementioned themes.

  1. When did rap emerge as a musical form?

Rap emerged with the coming of hip hop. Hip hop emerged in the 1970s among the African American youth of the Bronx in New York City. It became popular with the decline of discos.

  1. Why was hip hop important to the community?

Hip hop surfaced as a reaction to gang activity and violence in the black neighbourhoods of New York City. It played an essential role in helping the community express the neglect, racism, and exclusion they faced.

  1. What are the five main elements of hip hop?

The five elements of hip hop are emceeing, DJing, breakin’, graff, and beatboxing.

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