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Tue, 13 Aug, 2019

Everything About Story Writing Course for Advance Kids!

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About Story Writing Course for Advance Kids

learn story writing

Story Writing is a creative outlet for expressing opinions and perspectives on a wide range of topics for children in the age group of 11 to 13 years. Boost your child's creativity with our Story Writing Course for advance kids! Explore storytelling techniques, build literacy skills, and create masterpieces.

However, your child may find it challenging to express himself or herself clearly in writing. Writing stories and other literary works is an important aspect of student life, and it continues into adulthood. 

Even if your child is far from the workforce yet, it is worth noting that most careers demand some level of writing ability, not to mention that even for college applications, your child must be well-versed in this art. 

If you want your child to become the very best writer, or for his or her writing to find its audience, join your child's advance story writing training course for children in the age group of 11 to 13 years of age.

Our Story writing Course for advance kids is ideal for children who want a more flexible learning schedule, learn at their own pace, and at the same time help them to develop their overall personality. 

The best story writing course for early year children forms an essential component in the English Subject for the children in the age group of 11 to 13 years. It is the core lesson topic and also satisfies the intellectual, social, and emotional demands of 11 to 13-year-olds. \

They go from being best friends to sworn enemies, they go from being delighted to the despairing, from being confident to terribly insecure. Story writing gives them a vent to manage these upheavals while also addressing their academic needs. Story writing classes for 11-13 year child is an excellent medium for a child to utilize writing as a tool to observe, express, explain, analyze and think rationally.

Story writing  Course for advance kids teaches the children the technical components of writing like structure, imagery, character, sketch, memory, and personification. 

Writing along with reading is amongst the two topmost skills that children are taught to cement the foundations of their cognitive development,  in our story writing training for advanced kids.

Want your child to become a great storyteller? So, what are you waiting for? Book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark’s story writing course for advance kids today!

Why Story Writing Classes?

a person writing on a paper

Story Writing courses for advance children have now become an essential part of any individual’s development, be it a preschooler or a senior school child, or high school. 

Be it a school presentation, school newsletter, science project, Drama and theater at school, School publication, or anything in your child’s personal space like social media, poetry, or family announcements,  writing plays a crucial part everywhere. Story writing  Class for Advance children is designed for children 11-13 years of age who want to excel in writing along with improving their school performance also.

Every child has something to say. Their self-esteem boosts when they are heard and have the opportunity to write down their thoughts. Their ability to express themselves will improve if we encourage them to freely write down their thoughts and feelings and also make them have control over English Speaking Skills.

Benefits Of Planetspark’s Story Writing  Course For Advance Kids

PlanetSpark believes that, with the ideal blend of design and function, story writing can be a powerful form of communication. Our story writing  training for advance children benefits the children in the following ways :

  • Molds the children for future educational, social and personal success.

  • An immersive creative classroom environment.

  • An experienced and certified faculty.

  • Small class size to ensure individual attention.

  • Builds a strong English foundation for your child along with Story Writing skills.

  • Stimulate out-of-the-box thinking.

  • Enhance artistic expression

  • Tackling different genres effectively.

  • Fluency in Reading and Writing

  • Summarise, Paraphrase and Compare texts.

The benefits are many. So what are you waiting for, click here to book a FREE class to know more about our courses!

Curriculum Details Story writing Course for Advance kids 

Advance story writing classes for children are a powerful medium for academic and artistic writing. We move into the finer components of good writing as children understand the structure, dynamics, and expression. Students become proficient in the written word through "showing,” and not just telling".The curriculum includes the following areas :

Story writing for 11 to 13 years old involves writing short stories, personal narratives, and descriptive strategies.  Our curriculum covers all the age-specific aspects related to the academic grade to make them write clear, coherent incidents, events, or situations by using well-chosen details.  

Activities & worksheets for story writing course for Advance kids

 To help the children in their efforts to become efficient Story Writers, we also provide them with writing worksheets and activities to practice their skills, some of which are given below and can be done at home also.

  1. Mystery in the Zoo Story

You have undoubtedly heard a child say that they don't know how their story, whether it's a fairy tale, a detective story, or a drama, is supposed to end. Children can explore a variety of stories based on their personal experiences and try this story writing activity named  "Mystery at the Zoo story ”. This could be just one of the ideas to help them with the writing.  

  1. Live Home Object

Encourage your children to use figurative language by having them describe something in your household. Allow them to use as much writing as possible in their description, maybe by starting with how that object was purchased, it could be a TV, a bicycle, or anything, the complete story about that object. Then they could read aloud what they have written to the family.

  1. Write about What You Love

This can be an open topic for all children, giving them a choice to write what they would love. Story writing courses for advance, helps them to naturally come around to new ideas and ways of perceiving any story as they write, and they will feel more equipped for all of the new experiences that await them in higher grades. When children can explore topics that they are familiar with and enjoy, they will have a lot more to say and will feel more at ease writing.

  1. My best Family Story

Every family, including yours, has a unique story to tell. Share stories about major family events or your childhood with your child to create memories. Involve grandparents, aunts, and uncles in this activity. This could be a great family time also. When you are  finished with the stories, encourage your child to write a story on any topic about the best family event, it could be, “The Family Picnic”, “Family Reunion” etc, this can be shared with all the family members, to see and encourage your child 

Worksheets on Writing Prompts, Topics, Journal Notes, and so on are given to children

Book a FREE class NOW!

Story writing Course for Advance Kids    

PlanetSpark story writing training for advance children uses proven, enjoyable, and creative approaches to teach children how to effortlessly connect with their own thoughts and feelings. 

To help children understand and gain writing skills, our online story writing classes combine critical reading and writing with interactive exercises. Our Advance  Students Story Writing Course is designed for children aged 11 to 13. The classes are conducted in small groups which encourage children to enjoy the learning process while also improving their social abilities.

Children learn to improve their writing skills for a number of purposes, including letters, blogs, news, stories, essays, diaries, presentations, speeches, and poetry. They also analyze the renowned author's writing, understand the aim, identify the primary concept, utilize figurative language, and draw inferences to answer questions by reading a variety of passages and extracts from novels, short narratives, and news. 

We engage and exercise the child's capacity to think, analyze, develop perspectives, articulate, and express their thoughts, establishing a creative thinking capacity that will benefit your child's academic, social, and personal lives. To get to know more about developing these Creative and Critical thinking skills, please click here to know more.

Teacher's Profile

PlanetSpark teachers are professional trainers with excellent communication skills and a student-centric approach. They also need to take the  PSAT (PlanetSpark Aptitude Test), which is taken by more than 1 lakh teachers worldwide to get onboarded in our team. 

Our Teachers are trained to prepare children to meet the demands of the future by developing their capacities as flexible thinkers, creators, and doers. 

 For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What are the types of story writing that help my child to improve his writing skills?

All types of story writing would help your child to excel in the writing field, at school, and also in higher grades. To begin, you can help your child with Writing Prompts, and eventually, he can start writing Narrative, descriptive, Fantasy, or Mystery stories, anything which keeps him interested. This article could give you more information, which will help your child to get motivated to write.

  1. Does this story writing for advanced kids come with worksheets and activities?

All our courses are supported with engaging activities and worksheets to practice their story writing skills, some of those can be practiced at home as well.

  1. What is the total course duration and fees?

The duration and cost of the courses differ based on whatever course you select. Please contact us through our website to learn more about the specific course that you want your kid to enroll in, or you can register and book a free trial by clicking here.

  1. My child is not good at the English Language, will she be able to understand  Story Writing class?  

The course is appropriate for beginners as well as for children who are familiar with the English language. Our emphasis is on the craft of writing, from the identification of what help is required by the child till they write their own stories. The children will be oriented before the start of the program to make them understand the course. Teachers also will be closely monitoring and motivating the children. The creative environment in our classrooms will help the child to be comfortable with the course.

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