
Mon, 22 Feb, 2021

Embracing Winter's Warmth: Why I Prefer the Cold Season Over Summer!

Picking between summer and winter is difficult. Both are amazing seasons and bring with them amazing possibilities. However, if I had to pick between summer and winter, I would pick winter every time. You see, while it is true that in the summertime, there is the sun’s warm glow shining on your face, and it lets you go out and play, the winter sun has a warmth of a different kind. 

It has the warmth of staying in with your loved ones and spending time. It has the warmth of hot chocolate and blankets. It has the warmth of Christmas and everything that holiday starts for. Winter and summer both give you a break from school, but in the summer break, everyone is out on trips or out with friends. Whereas during winter breaks, everyone stays home with their loved ones, and everyone finally gets to spend some much-needed quality time.

I like winters a lot more than summers because come winter, I get to dress in my softest hoodies, stay in bed late and be in my blanket all day, and no one says anything. Every winter, I wait for the snow to fall. The beauty of the snowflakes always fascinates me—each one is unique. Playing with snowballs and making snowmen is my favourite thing to do with my brother. 

Winter also brings Christmas, which is my favourite holiday. Having eggnog and decorating the Christmas trees is almost as fun as waking up on Christmas morning and opening the gifts Santa left for us. Baking Christmas cookies leaves the whole house smelling deliciously like vanilla and chocolate. Everywhere you go, from your neighbour’s house to the mall, there is holiday cheer everywhere. 

Everyone of all ages seems to be happy and having the best time of their lives. Then just a few days later comes the new year, another exciting celebration—everyone dresses up, makes resolutions, looks forward to the next year, and gets to restart and reinvent themselves. 

But honestly, my favourite part of winter is getting to stay in bed and just spend time with myself, reading the books I want, just relaxing and recuperating from the stress of the entire year to begin anew. Winter is the time of quiet cheer, whereas summer is all about excitement and adventure, and I would pick being warm and snuggled up with my loved one over an adventure at the beach any day. 

Quality time with loved ones who are finally all able to be at one place without any pressure of work, every single person just there, living in the moment to bond and have fun, to be able to meet the relatives and friends you haven’t met all year, and to tell each other everything about your year—I don’t think anything in the world can match the kind of love that comes from that.

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