
Mon, 22 Mar, 2021

Embracing Childlike Wonder: Unleashing Creativity, Productivity, and Joy in Adulthood!

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We've all fallen into the trap of letting our circumstances dictate how we conduct our adult lives. Nothing is understood for a reason not to be childish.

Who we can be friends with, so we start to feel there are certain people with whom we don't get along. And the way we choose who we interact with is far worse: income, power, and skin colour are the factors that separate us, determining who is and is not suitable to associate with differences.

Because we're all social beings, and this is why we're all now in this place for the very first place, none of the other artificial divisions will matter at this point. It's what's on the inside that counts: your kindness, spirit, heart, and mind. These characteristics make it intriguing to learn more about other people.

Let us act like innocent, unassuming toddlers who still haven't understood barriers, social systems, and hierarchy, rather than believing what society tells us is essential.

When we're enjoying life, we're more productive

Two siblings

An outlandish idea might work, and everybody looks up with a glimmer of passion in their eyes. This idea sounds efficient when you discover something truly unique! The secret to unleashing the most creative thoughts is to be playful. When we play, we permit creativity beyond the box.

According to research, playfulness is an excellent strategy for helping individuals rediscover their drive and reduce stress on themselves and those around them. A more lighthearted attitude might help individuals panic less often and relax more.

Well, it's not as tough as you may believe. You might begin by searching for methods to bring more playfulness into your daily routine. Ask your group to utilize visuals rather than words while brainstorming and writing ideas on sticky notes. As in the previous work cycle, one team I know meets regularly to discuss what went well and what didn't. Each week, one of the team members creates a new analogy for their brainstorming.

The breeze hitting their boats versus the waves slowed them down for one week. Another week, tailwinds vs. headwinds, or petrol in the tank versus potholes on the road. They were able to do jobs faster since they were having fun. They made the mundane more enjoyable by thinking about the future in a slightly different order.

Life isn't supposed to be monotonous

A father playing with his son

Reevaluating your goals and rediscovering yourself is one of the most beneficial things. It might be challenging to find the drive to make changes and achieve your objectives. If you're interested, ask for recommendations from anybody you discover online.

Consider participating in a new sport or extracurricular activity. Learning something new may be a refreshing shift, and it can introduce you to new people and ideas, which could give you that much-needed jolt. You could even find something you're enthusiastic about in your life!

A change of scenery allows us to be more creative

There is no one-size-fits-all method for cultivating creativity. Depending on the type of creative boost you're looking for, there are various ways to get there. So, if you want a competitive creative boost, sit down in front of your computer and create that blog article. Try out the treadmill if you wish for the endorphin rush that only the treadmill can provide. If you want a post-run embrace from your dog, take them for a walk around the block instead.

We believe it is necessary to set aside some regular time to exercise creativity, just as it is to run or cycle now and again. The endorphin rush isn't as intense when you haven't exercised in a while, and even though it feels nice to slip on some sneakers after a month off, the endorphin rush isn't as intense? And before you realize it, neither your creative muscles nor your brain will be in good enough form to provide you with any significant benefits! If you don't make time to exercise regularly, this will recur again and again.

When we're in a good mood, we're resourceful and creative

You're probably used to hearing those positive emotions conducive to creativity because they broaden the mind, whereas negative ones are detrimental. After all, the narrow one's focus. But this view is too simplistic for several reasons.

According to a new study published in the journal Motivation and Emotion, motivational intensity has a more significant impact on attention span than just experiencing good or negative feelings. This emotion arises from the fact that low motivational states encourage the pursuit of new objectives, whereas high motivational states focus on completing a given plan.

For information on various careers and other topics, visit PlanetSpark. PlanetSpark provides content on public speaking, creative writing, communication and personality development.


The point here is that we all need to escape the jungles that have grown around us and get back to what is most natural: friendship. We must learn to stop spending time with people simply because they are like us and start with those different from us. Because at the end of the day, it's not about how much money one brings in per hour or how many friends one can make, but about how happy you can make others and how much you can add to their lives.

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