
Sun, 09 Jun, 2019

Deciphering the Mysteries of Pyramid Construction: Ancient Theories Explored!

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Many ancient mysteries continue to baffle human beings. The great pyramids of Egypt that remained standing tall for centuries are one of those mysteries people cannot stop wondering about.

The modern civilization that depends on precise instruments and technology-aided tools has tried to explain this wondrous construction with the help of the following theories.

Ancient Machines

Ancient Egyptian Pyramids

It is understandable to imagine a device akin to the traditional crane used to build the pyramids. Indeed, the first pyramids discovered have revealed a step-like design. No amount of ancient pulleys or levers would be able to construct the pyramid at Giza. More advanced technology would be needed to complete such precise construction.

Redesigned Hills

A popular theory states that the pyramids had been natural hills and mountains in the bygone era. The construction was done from top to bottom, rather than the conventional practice of base upwards. One can now think of the Greek historian Herodotus’s claim and wonder whether his theory of the pyramids being constructed top-down made sense.

Manual Flattening

You would, undoubtedly, be amazed at the level of precision with which the stones have been placed on top of each other to reach a great height. Both archaeologists and modern scientists are thrilled to find no space between two consecutive layers. One of the oft-repeated theories is that the ancient Egyptians used simple handheld tools and laboured for hours to flatten out an area so that the next stone could be perched on an even surface without any gaps. A simple rope and flint scraper could have achieved that incredible feat.

Water Shaft Theory

Ancient Egyptian Pyramids

This theory has some credence as the theorists showcased how the ancient Egyptians built waterways around the construction site to transport the heavy stones to the location. A simple yet ingenious idea that seems to be plausible! This theory seems to be partially true, as similar water canals have been discovered in multiple sites worldwide. Ankor Vat in Kampuchea is an example. Unfortunately, this theory has not yet answered many theories, especially the lack of any trace of such canals in the region now.

The Ramp Theory

This theory is the most believable of the lot as it comes with several pieces of evidence that seem to prove the point. Sledges and long ropes were used to haul the heavy stones to the site. A recent theory also mentions that the sand was probably watered down so that the friction could be reduced greatly. Multi-level ramps were created to gradually drag the stones up as construction began from the bottom to gradually reach the top.

There have been theories galore with no indication of the truth so far. You are welcome to conclude by checking out each theory and noting whether there could be a fraction of truth in it.

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  1. Why are there so many theories about the construction of Egyptian pyramids?

The pyramids were constructed centuries ago, but there is less to no historical evidence about how they were constructed. Hence multiple theories have been proposed about the actual process of such complex constructions.

  1. Which pyramid construction theory is believable?

Only two theories, namely the ramp and the water shaft theory, seem to be possible. The former seems more plausible, as it states that thousands of workers carried the heavy stones across the desert. Constructing a ramp to lift the stones to a great height may be difficult, but it is not entirely impossible.

  1. What is the connection between Herodotus and the Great Pyramids of Egypt?

Herodotus was an ancient Greek historian who claimed that a simple machine was used to construct the pyramids. He described the process as a top-to-bottom endeavour, with the top-most level being created first, with the workers climbing down steadily until the bottom of the pyramid was constructed. His theory has been dismissed by scientists as there is no evidence to support it.

  1. How many people were used to construct the pyramids?

There is no way to know the truth, as the evidence has been lost. The Greek historian Herodotus claimed that 1,00,000 men were employed to carry out the construction, whereas the Egyptologists say that 20,000 people built it.

  1. Were aliens responsible for constructing Egyptian pyramids?

Many theories state that the pyramids in Egypt were the handiwork of aliens from outer space. However, all such theories have been dismissed. Archaeologists and historians are sure that the Egyptian pyramids were constructed painstakingly by Egyptian workers appointed by the rulers of the nation.

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