Communication Skill Course for Class 4 Kids to Make Them Confident Communicators!

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About English Communication Skill Course For Class 4 Kids

Two kids communicating with each other

While communication is an integral part of our daily lives, it doesn’t come naturally to some of us. Some people tend to be extroverts, some ambiverts, and others are introverts. Whether your child is energized by social interactions or drained by them, effective communication can make a huge difference to their social life. If you get your child to learn communication skills for class 4 with PlanetSpark, we will arm them with all the ammo needed to be a better communicator. There’s no need to try and change your child’s personality to achieve these results.  

The fear of rejection, being misunderstood, and being forgotten keeps us from putting ourselves out there. If these fears plague adults, they observe the grown-ups around them and imitate their behaviour. It’s always a good idea to be on your guard and set a good example. For other things, we're our Communication Skill Training for Class 4. 

Your 8- to 9-year-old kids already have a robust understanding of language. They lack the means to express their inner thoughts, write stories that have made a home in their mind, and express their complex understanding of the world. PlanetSpark’s Communication Skill Course for class 4 kids will teach them the things mentioned above. 

When your child learns communication skills for class 4 with us, it gives them a holistic understanding of language uses. We train them in various areas of communication skill development for class 4, such as daily conversations, voice modulation, story-telling, active listening, body language, and public speaking. Our English Communication Skill Course for Class 4 covers all aspects of effective communication, verbal or non-verbal. 

Benefits Of Communication Skill Course For Class 4 Kids

Drawing inspiration from the works of public speaking experts such as Dale Carnegie and Simon Sinek, PlanetSpark’s English Communication Skill Course for Class 4 is designed to enhance your child’s communication skills. With the help of our expert instructors, your child will be able to find the orator in themselves and excel at their school debates, speeches, and presentations. 

Apart from academic advantages, our English Communication Skill Class for Grade 4 helps your child develop better interpersonal skills to enhance their social life and create meaningful and lasting bonds with the people around them. 

Better communication paves the way for emotional intelligence, which is the ability to regulate, understand or respond to the emotions of others and ourselves. 

  1. Early Exposure

Your child’s formative years are crucial. They are the blueprint of their adult personality. It’s essential that they get proper exposure to expert tutors, talented peers, and like-minded people early on to grow up to have a healthy social life.  Effective communication can also do wonders for their academic and extra-curricular ventures. 

  1. Effective Communication

PlanetSpark’s communication skill training for class 4 equips your child with all the necessary tools and resources to express themselves effectively. They’ll be taught the nuances of language, proper diction, and voice modulation to get their thoughts across exactly how they feel. Your child will also learn the power of persuasion in order to cultivate leadership skills. 

  1. Nuances of Body Language

A picture speaks a thousand words. A glance or a hand movement does the same. When your words and body language don’t match, it creates confusion for the listener, they become doubtful of your expertise. 

Don’t let that happen to your child. When they learn communication skills for class 4 with us, they learn to align their body language with their words. Our communication skill-building course for class 4 will also teach them how to conduct themselves publicly and right social etiquette. 

  1. Master the English Language

The greatest connector of all, English is spoken almost everywhere in the world. It can give your child a truly global way of looking at things. They will be able to read the treasure of English literature and poetry when they learn communication skills for class 4. The ability to express themselves freely and fluently in English can also open the doors of many opportunities for them. 

Raise a confident communicator and an effective public speaker with PlanetSpark’s English Communication Skill Course for Class 4! Book a FREE class NOW!

Ways To Communicate 

  • Verbal Communication - This type of communication involves daily conversations, interviews, video calls, group discussions, school debates, and any verbal exchange of information personally or on a small scale— basically interpersonal communication. 

  • Non-Verbal Communication - Communication doesn’t always have to be expressed through words. It can be expressed by body language, eye movements, hand gestures, facial expressions, etc. Certain things can be communicated visually without even us noticing them—for example, your attire or overall attitude. 

  • Written Communication - Any communication that is in writing can be written communication. It can be your child’s written test, progress report, an email from a teacher, or that letter from a sought-after school you’ve been waiting for so eagerly. 

  • Mass Communication - As the name suggests, this is communication at the mass scale. It involves news broadcasts, rallies, newspapers, or any information conveyed to a large audience. Mass communication tends to be one-sided as the feedback is usually delayed or not. 

  • Intrapersonal Communication - An often overlooked form of communication is with oneself. We all have inner dialogues and an inner life that is rarely shown to the world. Healthy self-talk can foster good self-esteem. 

Types Of Communication Skills To Acquire

Communication skills for class 4

  • Oral Communication Skills

  • Writing Skills 

  • Presentation

  • Active Listening

  • Body Language

  • Feedback

  • Respect

  • Confidence

  • Clarity

Curriculum English Communication Skill Class For Class 4 Kids

  • Voice Modulation - Emphasis and Subordination, Change of Pitch, Change of Pace, Pause and Power, Inflection

  • Daily Conversation Skills - Good Manners, Going Out in Public Places, Social Interaction, Shopping, Air Travel and Staying at a Hotel, Seeing a Doctor, Eating at a Restaurant, Solving Problems and Reporting Emergencies, Telephone Etiquettes

  • Body Language - Body Movements and Personal Space, Eye Contact, Facial Expressions, Hand and Feet Movements

  • Word of Effective Communication - Common Phrasal Verbs, Mispronounced Words

  • Active Listening

  • Art of Storytelling

  • Public Speaking - Speech, Debate, Group Discussion, Extempore, Presentation

PlanetSpark is the right place for your child to learn communication skills. So, without any further ado, book a FREE class NOW!

Importance Of Class 4th Communication Skill Training

  1. School-Aligned Teaching Material

Your child is one step ahead with our study materials appropriately aligned with their school curriculum in accordance with their class. They learn communication skills for class 4 when they are enrolled with us. 

Our curriculum and textbook are designed with your child’s age and grade in mind. It helps us work out their learning path in a way that is beneficial for their academics, extra-curricular, social, and personal life. 

  1. Game-Based and Playful Learning

Technology has surpassed the blackboard and chalk. PlanetSpark’s communication skill training for class 4 has not only adapted to this change but leveraged cutting-edge technology to achieve better learning outcomes. We incorporate a combination of activities, games, quizzes, and interactive problem-solving ensuring better learning and higher engagement. 

  1. Crafted and Taught by Experts

Our communication skill training for class 4 is designed by experts from Harvard School of Education, Teach for India, IIT, BITS, and XLRI using insights from child cognitive psychologists. These experts have implemented lessons they’ve learned on their own personal and professional journeys along with their technical know-how. 

Being an instructor at PlanetSpark’s class 4 communication skill development course is quite an achievement. Candidates go through a rigorous 7-step training process that has a mere 1% selection rate. Our teachers carry at least 10 years of experience and a master's degree in education or a relevant field. We are on the same page when it comes to wanting only the best for your child. 

  1. STEPS methodology

STEPS is our homegrown and research-based teaching approach that sets PlanetSpark’s class 4 communication skill development course apart from the others. It’s a step-by-step teaching method that involves igniting a child’s curiosity in a certain subject, gaining in-depth knowledge, and then practicing and sharing it with others. This approach has helped thousands of kids at PlanetSpark excel at their chosen skill development course. 

For more information, book a FREE class and talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What age groups is this course for?

PlanetSpark’s courses are for kids aged 3 up to 18 years old. Specifically, the communication skill-building course for class 4 is designed for kids aged 8 to 9 years in class 4. 

  1. What are the English Communication Skill Course fees and duration for Class 4? 

PlanetSpark’s English Communication Skill Course for Class 4 is self-paced and lasts for about 3 to 6 months. Please book a free trial or schedule a call with our customer service rep for more information.  

  1. What are the payment methods available? 

Currently, we have the following payment options available:

  • Domestic and international credit cards (Visa, Mastercard & Amex Card networks)

  • Visa & Mastercard Debit cards

  • Netbanking/Direct Debit payments from select banks in India. A list of available options will pop up while paying. 

  • Cash Pick Up

  • Several Payment Wallets

  1. Can I cancel my kid’s admission to this course? 

We’d be sorry to see you go. If you’re sure about cancelling, tuition fees paid in advance can be refunded to you on a pro-rata basis. If you’re facing issues with us, please connect to our customer support. 

  1. How does PlanetSpark assess my child’s progress? 

PlanetSpark’s English Communication Skill Course for Class 4 is assessed based on your kid’s participation and how they fare in activities and worksheets. The Merit level certification also involves a live project in the said subject. 

  1. Will my child get 1:1 attention? 

Our communication skill-building course for class 4 is designed with your child's best interests in mind. Undoubtedly they contain getting personal attention from our expert tutors. Our instructors will conduct live 1:1 sessions with them to teach your child core life skills. 

  1. What kind of exposure will my kid get at PlanetSpark? 

PlanetSpark is not limited to the courses we offer you. We are a community of like-minded people aspiring to create better people for tomorrow. Our community involves expert tutors, talented peers, and a host of groups and clubs that your child can partake in. 

  1. My child has speech disabilities. Can I still enrol them in the communication skill-building course for class 4? 

That’s not a reason to hold back on the communication skill-building course for class 4. We teach the fundamentals of communication and understand that every child is unique. Our trainers will adjust to your child’s learning path and pace while teaching them. 

  1. How can I track my child’s growth? 

We strongly suggest that you have friendly conversations with your child about how a session went or how the classes are going. You can also playfully test them on the skills they’ve learned. Otherwise, detailed updates are waiting for you at the PlanetSpark learning app. 

  1. Why are communication skills so important? 

Communication skills are the basis of our personal and professional lives. Good communication skills can help your child succeed in academics and set the stage for a better future career. It can also enhance their interpersonal relationships. 

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