student blog

Sun, 06 Feb, 2022

Breaking News! -Alien Invasion

By Divija Sareen

Back to Earth with a bump!

Sudden Alien Invasion Attack. Read to find out!


An invasion done by the Aliens of the Mars, leads to destruction. The attack killed 10 people and injured 15 residents living in the neighbourhood. These creatures were travelling in a space UFO and landed on the house of an old lady inhabitant which got crashed along with her. After this, they didn't stop and started ruining and destroying the neighbourhood. They lit up fire and spread it all around. As they were speaking their secret sign language, nobody could understand anything they said. people got very scared and ran away from the place. Some who were the disabled got injured and killed by these absurd creatures. The people who got murdered by them included the old, mnauy news reporters and the children. "It has been such a disaster here with these aliens coming and destructing our small, beautiful town." said the mayor of the place. The aliens came secretly from Mars and attacked this town. Scientisists say that there journey started 2 years back and they landed on Earth now. Evidence claims that they came here because of the royal treasury. The aliens, after destroying the surroundings, went to the roual castle where the mayor lived and looted the treasure. when the mayor came, she realised that all the money disappeared.

After looting, they went in their UFO and flew away. This certainly means that they came for looting and scaring us. This also claims that they may come again for a similar attack on some other rich and prosperous town or city for burgalling. We have to be very cautionate and be perpared for any other Alien attack.



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