Creating Confidence

Thu, 05 Sep, 2019

Benefits of Confidence Building Course for Class 8 students!

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The importance of self-confidence in children should not be underestimated. It is not taught in school as confidence has to come from within. Self-confidence can mean different things to different people, but it simply is your faith in yourself. In a way, you can say it is a freedom from doubting your capabilities.


A healthy sense of self-confidence is all about having a balanced view of yourself neither should it be more nor less. Children with a healthy sense of confidence can feel good about themselves and their people.

Confidence helps teenagers feel they can make safe, informed decisions and avoid people and situations that aren’t right for them, which is very important considering the world we live in.

Confidence building in kids is a slow but fruitful process. If your child is confident, they are more likely to be more positive, assertive, keen, and observant. Teenagers with low confidence are less likely to do well in studies and more likely to hold back in class. Confidence is a state of mind, positive thinking, practice, training, and talking to others are ways to build your confidence levels.

Generally, the children do not face much of a problem until they reach Class 7th as the education system is more on theoretical knowledge till then, and they are not much worried about the competition around them. Once they get to higher standards, even though they may be academically sound, they need to be confident in putting it across in the proper manner. Directing them toward this becomes the utmost duty of the parents.

Online classes for building confidence in Class 8  are beneficial as they can build trust in a child by focussing on their efforts and encouraging teenagers to try new things and help them in academics. This can be done by trained teachers who can understand the strengths and weaknesses of each child. Self-confidence may decline over time if a child does not practice their skills. As they become self-confident, they need to continue practising these skills to maintain and boost their confidence. This is where the confidence-building Course for class 8  proves helpful. Online Classes at PlanetSpark for Grade 8 on confidence-building are designed to mould the child in that direction.

Book a FREE class NOW!

Benefits Of Planetspark Online Classes  

School teaches many things, but essential skills, i.e. confidence, gets neglected due to the academic calendars and schedules. We at PlanetSpark seek to bridge that gap with our online classes for kids giving children an opportunity to learn concepts and skills that are not taught elsewhere. No matter a student’s dream or personality, our team works to meet their unique needs while exciting them about the online classes for building confidence. 

Confidence building Training for grade 8 helps children aged 13 & 14 discover their inner strengths, build confidence, defeat their fears, and handle criticism positively. Confidence building for class 8th benefits children in this age group greatly, so much so that there is a true sense of confidence in all their accomplishments, including their academics. Students who undergo this course stand out in a group because of their positive outlook and confidence.

A student can benefit from these classes in various ways. They tend to break through their self-imposed limits, enabling them to achieve their full potential. Since the classes are 1:1, they can learn and start the course at their own pace and learn effectively. They can think creatively, set goals, and can become excellent problem solvers. They become Self-motivated individuals and accept responsibility confidently.

The biggest hurdle that stops a student from achieving success is self-doubt. Online confidence-building classes for children help overcome this biggest hurdle and move forward.

One of the main benefits of the Confidence Building Course for Class 8  is its adaptability and flexibility. Regular interactions between teachers, students, and parents help the students’ learning plan and keep them growing.

To get started on building your child’s confidence, book a FREE class NOW!

Curriculum Details 

The curriculum covers all the aspects of self-confidence and self-esteem. It covers topics like communication skills, the meaning of Self-Confidence, Powerful Presentation, Dealing with Difficult Situations, and more.

The curriculum for our online Confidence Building class for Grade 8   is based on the areas of learning rather than the content. Our curriculum seeks to offer students a learning environment through Art, Design, Performing, and Exploring and is tailored to students’ interests, goals and abilities.

We encourage students to think and act independently to make them confident in life. 

Confidence Building Activities & Worksheets For Grade 8

Preteens and teens experience their most formative years during middle school. Their behavior during this time can carry on into adulthood- be it positive or negative.  

Confidence Building Course for Class 8 at PlanetSpark facilitates positive thinking for the child during the class. Being positive all the time may not be possible but a child can try harder to maintain that. At PlanetSpark the activities and worksheets of the confidence-building online course can help to form a lasting connection among students, improve their concentration, enhance performance, and heighten empathy levels in students. E.G There are activities that build on their Social skills.

Some of the worksheets are based on Self Esteem which encourages self-discovery and hence builds self-confidence. Our interactive activities combine exciting presentations and experiential activities to engage the students in cooperative learning. 

We engage students in activities such as: 

  • Engage them in mind games 

  • Roleplays to encourage them to speak 

  • Encourage the kids to take a hobby 

By creating an atmosphere and team building and trust, ideas are shared effortlessly, and new knowledge is easily absorbed. Book your free trial!

Online Certification 

The course on building confidence is available via online teaching methodology also. This means that your child can now increase his/her confidence and can learn from our expert teachers from anywhere in the world. As part of the online delivery of the course, the kid will - 

  • have access to the experts at a designated time every week 

  • Be able to access on demand recording of the video lectures 

  • have access to an exhaustive list of worksheets 

After completion of the course, the certificate will be available to download. 

Connecting with the teachers online and constantly working on improving the confidence levels will not only help the kid move ahead in their life positively, it will also develop their personality to face the world in a better and braver way. 

Confidence Building Free Online Classes For Grade 8

The course on building confidence reaches beyond any other program by addressing the core issues surrounding the confidence problem and exploring the possibilities of reprogramming the brain’s negative self-talk.

Based on the concept that we are born with a strong sense of self-esteem, this course encourages students to recognise that low self-esteem is just a result of perception about ourselves that starts in childhood. The sessions are designed to help kids organise and understand what triggers their confidence lapses.

Class 8th confidence-building classes at PlanetSpark help students build a solid foundation of skills to progress in their academic and personal life. Our teachers help a child find out why they lack confidence and how they can overcome it in our online classes. Lack of confidence can hinder academic performance in a child and personal life. 

At PlanetSpark, students learn to get over this self-doubt and negativity and are capable of thriving in this changing world. Book a FREE class NOW! 

Moreover, students will build a foundation of confidence that will last a lifetime. With our online class for Public Speaking, your child will be more confident and more world-ready. He will be able to look into his life through different lenses and have a positive mindset that will take him a long way. He will eventually grow both personally and academically.

Our confidence-building online class will help your child see his self-worth, focusing on providing maximum value for learners. Your child will be able to have confidence in what he has studied for school and scale up his studies with a newfound motivation. Our course can help your child achieve academic success by boosting their confidence and self-reliance. Nurturing a child at this crucial age can help the child in every aspect of their life but critically in the academic pursuits that shape a child’s future.

Building self-confidence is not a course to be taken lightly; instead, students who are sincerely ready to create positive changes in their self-perception are more than willing to join for the same.

Teacher's Profile

At PlanetSpark, the teachers are professionally trained, hold a Master’s degree qualification and need to qualify for PSAT( PlanetSpark Aptitude test). They are required to have previous teaching experience as well. At PlanetSpark, the teachers are highly evaluated and undergo intense certification training to achieve consistent results.

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What exactly do we mean by confidence-building?

Confidence building is a feeling or consciousness of one’s body, powers, or one’s self-reliance

  1. What are confidence-building activities for class 8?

There are several activities for children in that age group which can help build a child’s confidence. Some of them are listed below :

  • Positive Goals Diary

  • Affirmations Day

  • Book of Mistakes

  • Take up a challenge

  • Self Appreciation Charts

  • Motivational Quote day

  • Negative Self-talk experience

  1. How can I increase my confidence level?

A few things you need to look at to increase your confidence are :

  • Look into your past achievements.

  • Set self Goals, and work towards achieving those.

  • Be fearless. Stand up for yourself

  • Monitor your progress - Revisit your goals if required.

  • Learn to say “No” when needed.

  1. What are the types of confidence?

There are two types of confidence, 

  • Social confidence - is related to us, our sense of comfort in social situations and our expectations of how others will accept us.

  • Epistemic confidence - is utterly related to you that you are correct in your decisions or opinions.

  1. What is the importance of building self-confidence in Class 8?

It is essential to build the confidence of your child when they are in Grade 8. They would have just moved from Grade 7 and noticed a massive transition in how they need to study or focus on the curriculum. To be academically sound, the children need to be confident in what you are studying and preparing. So, it is vital to build their confidence at this crucial stage.

  1. How do you build confidence in a child’s reading skills?

Practice is the key. Make your child read a lot of material beyond their regular school books, something which interests him, maybe technology, cartoons, whatever interests him. Set aside time for this activity, let him read aloud, make notes, and look up difficult words. Try different font and text sizes, record what s/he reads and let him hear it to work on his style of reading

  1. Will my child receive a certificate after completion of the course?

Yes. Upon successful completion of the confidence-building course, your kid will receive a certificate of completion.

  1. What are the advantages of confidence-building?

Confidence building will help you work with enthusiasm and grit. Self-confident people are usually more successful and have a positive influence on others. A healthy sense of self-confidence is necessary for your child to develop social skills, become more resilient, and embrace their potential inside and outside the school.

  1. How can being confident help my kid as a student?

Confidence building will help them move forward with their classmates or teachers and not away from them. And if things don’t work out their way, confidence will help them try again. It is not the same if their confidence is low. 

  1. My kid has failed in the past; how can I help them start feeling confident again?

You need to make them understand that they will have to move forward again no matter what. You can help shift their thoughts from the fact that they failed in the past and attempt to try new things and gain fresh experience with a positive mindset of getting through it.

  1. What are the habits that my child can develop to improve his/her self-confidence?

Positive affirmations are one of the positive and powerful habits to boost confidence. You as a parent can constantly help your kid with affirmations such as “You are overcoming your confidence issues” and “You don’t need anybody’s approval to feel good about yourself”. “You are worth more than it”, and don’t forget to celebrate their accomplishments.

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