The art of Public Speaking

Thu, 08 Mar, 2018

A Speech on Action Speaks Louder Than Words!

“Words are from the lips, while actions are from the heart.” Isn’t it so true? The phrase actions speak louder than words means actions are effective and more valuable than words. A person may say one thing and do another. You should not believe in what anyone says until they prove it through their actions. It is always easier for people to create sandcastles through their words.

Actions speak louder than words

Words can be sugar-coated, but actions cannot be. In other words, a person can say, “You are special. I will take care of you throughout your life”. These words remain empty until actions follow them. Actions are small steps/work you do to stay true to your word. In the above instance, words should be followed by appropriate actions. For instance, when a person is sick, taking care of the person by giving them medicines and allowing them to rest is shown through actions.

Words, when said from the mouth, produce sound. Actions, when performed, do not have any sound and are still louder. Actions speak volumes about a person. Such a person is appreciated and liked by all.

When someone appreciates you for the first time, it feels good. However, if actions depict something else, words lose their credibility. Also, people use words to boast about themselves. They build castles in the air. For instance, a person says he/she can help you get promoted. They will recommend you and tell their boss about your achievements. They do this with so much affirmation that you believe them.

However, after some time, you realize that they were mere words. The next time you call them, they won’t pick up your call. It depicts those words not followed by actions carrying no importance.

Remember, actions add more credibility to what goes out of your mouth. If you are determined and say that you will win the race, you have to take action and prove the same to others. You will have to work hard for the same. When you win the race, everyone will start believing in your strong willpower and determination.

Thus, words should always be accompanied by some action. It could be in the form of hard work as well. Be a man of your words. Do not allow your words to lose their importance, as it will diminish the value of whatever you speak.  

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