
Mon, 18 Feb, 2019

A Guide to Water Conservation in a Changing Climate!

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Reducing Water Levels

Climate change is causing a rise in average temperature and extreme weather conditions. The unpredictable weather is responsible for reducing the water level. We cannot live without water and must do our best to preserve it.

Most natural disasters like droughts, floods and cyclones are related to water. Due to global warming, such natural disasters increase every year with climate change. Uneven rainfall causing droughts leads to a reduction in groundwater levels.

Rising sea levels make fresh drinkable water salty, and disasters like floods contaminate the water. Hence, making drinking water dangerous. Scientists say that by 2040 more than 25% of people will face water scarcity.

We all need to contribute to water conservation by becoming more aware of global warming and its harmful effects. We should preserve water and stop its wastage so that everyone can get access to clean drinking water.

Ways to Conserve Water

Water conservation

By using water smartly, we can stop reducing groundwater levels. Small things like closing running water taps and reusing water for cleaning can go long.

We can save much water by following simple actions:

  • Take a shorter shower and baths. If we shower for a long time, we waste a lot of water.

  • Close the tap when brushing our teeth and washing hands.

  • Do not let the tap run when washing utensils. Many keep the tap running and waste plenty of water.

  • Water the plants only when needed.

  • Turn off the tap while shaving.

  • We should use washing machines only when we have enough clothes to clean. Using it multiple times causes a lot of water wastage.

  • Fix water leakage as soon as possible.

A meaningful way to conserve water is by not wasting food. Producing foods like grains, cereals, and fruits requires a lot of water. If we are wasting food, we are indirectly wasting water. We can store food in the refrigerator for a longer time and take only what we want to eat.

We can also save water by rainwater harvesting at home. We can install tanks in gardens, parks and roofs. These tanks can store rainwater and use it for cleaning and gardening.


Water is reducing very quickly. The best way to stop reducing water levels is by using it wisely and conserving it as much as possible. Everyone should spread awareness about climate change and global warming and contribute to solving the water problems.

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