The art of Public Speaking

Mon, 16 Aug, 2021

8 fun and easy activities for practicing sequencing!

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Learn About First, Then Sequencing in Debate

Sequencing in debate helps you present your arguments chronologically. First, then- sequencing in debate allows us to talk about things so that others can follow our stories. Sequencing words are also some useful expressions for debating. Teaching first-then sequencing to your kids will also help them comprehend whatever they read. Book a trial session at PlanetSpark today and start your journey today!

What Is Sequencing for Preschoolers?

Sequencing is a skill required to develop when kids want to understand a story. Sequencing for preschoolers includes identifying the beginning, the middle, and the end of a story. The reasons to teach sequencing skills to children are as follows:

  • Improve the ability to comprehend a text

  • Understand the text structure and how it's developed

  • Understand how a piece of writing is made cohesive with linking devices like transitions and connectives

  • Chronologically organize information in a piece of writing

  • Develop problem-solving skills that are essential even in other areas of the curriculum

Teaching Strategies for Sequencing Reading

Some strategies for sequencing reading are as follows:

  • First and Last: The first step to teaching sequencing is to make your child understand that one event comes after another. Initially, sequencing for preschoolers should involve putting together only two steps. Sequencing activities for a first grade can include giving two pictures to your kid and making them identify what comes later. You should next move forward to rearranging three or more steps. The first, then- sequencing can move forward to first, then, last.

  • Start Early: No matter what strategies for teaching your child sequencing you are trying to implement, you should begin early. Sequencing for preschoolers often comes on their own, and they start showing signs of sequencing skills as early as two years. If your child is not showing signs of first, then- sequencing, you should take the initiative to teach them. You need to show them grammatically correct sentences to know the correct order of placing words. The use of sequencing words like "first" and "next" can help your kid understand the sequence of various activities.

  • Vocabulary: If you want to make your kid understand first, then- sequencing, you should start by expressing it through your language. We don't just mean introducing your kid to transition words when we talk about vocabulary. You need to focus on building an age-appropriate vocabulary for your kid so that they know about nouns, adjectives, and other parts of speech. Once your kid develops adequate vocabulary, they will be able to frame sentences with words in a grammatically correct sequence.

  • Visual prompts: First, then- sequencing becomes particularly difficult for children with visual or auditory difficulties. Signs, gestures, and pictures can help highlight words and make kids understand sequencing. For instance, you can grab some family photos to teach sequencing to your kids. You can ask your child to place the pictures in a sequential order from youngest to oldest.

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Fun and Easy Activities to Practice Sequencing

Some fun and easy activities to practice sequencing are as follows:

  • Cooking: Following cooking instructions to make your kids understand first, then- sequencing can be a great idea. It is one of the greatest sequencing activities for preschoolers where the steps to cook a recipe is mentioned on a piece of paper. You need to strike out each step from the list as your kid completes them. It is also one of the most suitable sequencing activities for first grade.

  • Daily routine: Among the list of sequencing activities for preschoolers, making them follow the daily routine is quite essential. You can prepare a list of daily activities in chronological order and hand them somewhere inside the house. If your kid is a little older, you can also add time and other details to the routine daily chart.

  • Photo story: You can take your kid for a trip to the park or somewhere close to teaching them first, then-sequencing. You should capture some snapshots in this activity while you are out with your kid. Print the pictures and place them in front of your kid haphazardly. Ask your kid to put the photos in the order they were clicked. The activity is helpful in clearing the concept of sequencing for preschoolers.

  • Grow beans: It is one of the sequencing activities for preschoolers that even parents have done at school. The activity involves making your kid grow beans. Beans are one of the easiest plants to grow. Apart from sequencing, it will also teach your kid the plant's life cycle. You can make cards by drawing various stages of bean growth on them. Instruct your child to predict how the beans are likely to grow.

  • Following instructions: The best way to make your kid understand first, then- sequencing is to make them follow instructions. You can display a set of instructions on a whiteboard. Add illustrations with each instruction to make them easier for your kids to follow. One of the strategies for teaching your child sequencing can be to instruct them on how to eat a banana. For instance, washing the banana before eating and throwing the peel in the dustbin after eating it.

  • Storytelling: A story sequencing lesson plan can include narrating a story to your kids. You should choose a story that needs to be narrated in a specific order. For instance, you can describe the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. After telling them the story, ask them to narrate it back to you. See whether your child is able to recount the details of the story chronologically. You can also try this technique by making your kids watch a movie or tv show. After the show or movie is over, ask your kid to narrate it back to you.

  • Sequencing cards: It is one of the traditional sequencing activities for preschoolers. Your kid needs to be introduced to a set of visual cards. The cards can contain pictures of any activity. Your kid will be required to place the cards in chronological order so that the activity makes sense. For instance, the cards can include the steps involved in getting ready for school. The cards can also include a visual display of the water cycle. Choose a good set of story cards so that your kids enjoy the process.

  • Singing and clapping: Another excellent method to teach first, then- sequencing to your child is to make them sing and clap with a particular song. Introduce them to a familiar tone and teach them to clap with the song's rhythm. When they get the hang of the music, pause the song in between. Make your kids sing the missing part and clap accordingly. You and your kid can take turns in being the person to fill in the void. You can also teach some hand gestures or moves to your kids. See if your kid is able to remember the movements in sequential order.

Want your child to learn public speaking using fun and engaging activities? Enroll your kid today for the best first, then- sequencing classes!


  • Why is a story sequence lesson plan essential for kids?

A story sequence lesson plan can help your child comprehend the events in a story. Especially in a narrative text, knowing first-then sequencing becomes quite essential. It ensures that students are able to organize ideas and information efficiency.

  • How to teach sequencing skills to children?

You can teach sequencing skills to children with the help of various creative techniques. You can use timelines and flowcharts to ensure kids learn to sequence. Some sequencing activities for preschoolers include cooking and crafting. You can also find various online sequencing games and activities for kids.

  • What are some sequencing goals in speech therapy?

Sequencing goals in speech therapy revolve around making a child able to describe a story chronologically. Join PlanetSpark classes today!

  • What are some fun and easy activities to teach sequencing?

Some fun and easy activities to teach sequencing can be done simply and valuable at home. Ask kids to write the steps required to brush teeth or cook a dish. Sequencing activities for first grade include asking them to arrange the names of months in order.

  • How can speech and language therapy help in developing sequencing skills?

Speech and language therapy help in developing sequencing skills by introducing the concepts of first, then, next, and others.

  • What are the benefits of sequencing events in reading?

Sequencing events in reading helps you comprehend everything better. Identifying sequencing in a story revolves around locating the beginning, the middle, and the end. First, then- sequencing is a crucial activity involved in comprehension strategies.

  • Can PlanetSpark provide strategies for teaching your child sequencing?

PlanetSpark lessons can provide strategies for teaching your child sequencing. You will learn innovative ways to introduce the concept and benefits of sequencing to students. Book a demo class today!   

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