The art of Public Speaking

Tue, 16 Feb, 2021

6 ways to improve your debating skills

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Learn My First Debate Skills Today

Debate competitions are pretty standard in schools and colleges. Kids are often wondering what "my first debate" will be like. Attending your first speech and debate will be a lot easier with some training. Preparing a debate with a class will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses better. Stop wondering how to win "my first debate tournament" today, as you can undergo preparation under experts. Join PlanetSpark classes today!

About My First Debate Lessons

A debate competition can be termed as an organized argument where contrasting ideas are contested. Participants explore two aspects of a topic and try to establish their side is right using logic. While one participant or group agrees with the given statement, the other side opposes the idea. If you wonder what "my first debate" will be like, it will show the opposition why you are right.

The aim of attending your first speech and debate will be to convince your opposition that you are right. Kids are often wondering how "my first debate" tournament will end. A debate competition closes only when the two sides agree, or one side accepts that the other side has a more convincing argument. Enroll at Planetspark today for the best debating lessons.

Learn How to Improve Your Debating Skills

Some tips to improve your debating skills are as follows:

  • Research Well: You need to research well on your topic to prepare a convincing argument. You should research extensively to ensure that you are preparing to win. You should know a topic inside out from every possible aspect to increase your chances of winning. Understand prevalent arguments related to both sides of the debate. If you know what your opponent will focus on, it will be better for you to prove them wrong.

  • Ensure Objectivity: You need to compartmentalise your own opinions while debating as it helps you stay rational. Compartmentalization is essential when the subject of the debate is of personal importance or you disagree with what you are discussing. When you are passionate about the debate topic, you won't run out of things to say. But you need to contain your excitement or anger if you want to improve your debating skills.

  • Think on your feet: A young debaters' program helps kids improve their ability to think fast. You need to be able to think quickly and reply to questions and comments instantly while debating. Hesitation while debating can waste valuable time and points of students. Thinking quickly on your feet can help you in various life instances other than debating.

  • Figure out flaws in your opponent's argument: After attending your first speech and debate, you will realize that your opponent's argument can be flawed in multiple aspects. You should try recognizing these flaws while debating. When you are able to highlight the flaws of your opponent, your points will seem stronger. Your opponent might fail to add a logical conclusion to some parts of their argument. If your opponent is not supporting their arguments with evidence, they rely on their own conclusions. Therefore, it is a good time to attack your opponent with a well-supported argument.

  • Improve presentation skills: Whether it's your middle school debate program or a debate competition at your university, your presentation skills are quite important. The way you present your debate will determine how your opponent views you. You will have to consider what you are about to say before revealing it to your opponent. Speak at a moderate pace and use a clear tone so that people can comprehend what you are saying. Good presentation skills while debating can help you gain respect from your opponent. You need to sound and appear confident, and maintaining eye contact with your opponent will ensure that. You should not fidget while presenting your argument. Instead, you can use your hands to talk or keep your hands fixed in front of you.

  • Increase social awareness: If you want to improve your debating skills, become more socially and politically aware. You might be required to address various social issues. Being socially and politically aware will help you connect with others apart from winning a debate competition. You will be made to be in touch with current affairs and the daily news while preparing a debate with a class.  

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A Student's Guide to Classic Debate Competition

Have you ever wondered how to increase the chances of winning your first debate? Some golden rules to remember while attending your first speech and debate are as follows:

  • Keep Calm: A contradiction of opinion while debating might make you feel offended. In a young debaters' program, you should not use foul language or start shouting. You need to learn how to respect your opponent while debating. Your tone needs to be moderate while preparing for a debate with a class so that the audience does not feel respectful.

  • Understand the topic: If you follow a student's guide to a classic debate competition, you need to understand the topic well. Without proper research about the topic, you won't be able to form logical arguments no matter which side you choose. If you are dating in a team, you should discuss the topic with the entire team. Getting opinions from different people can help you understand more about the topic.

  • Use evidence to support your arguments: If you want to know how to improve your debating skills, focus on supporting your arguments with evidence. A secret tip that people forget while debating is to provide statistics to support a claim. A debate is not just about your public speaking skills and confidence. Your chances of winning a debate increase only when you can provide adequate evidence in a young debaters' program.

  • Establish refutations: Another trick under a student's guide to classic debate competition is to develop refutations. Everyone will tell you to focus on counterarguments for your opponent's arguments. But you forget that your opponent will also be prepared with counterarguments. If you want to know how to improve your debating skills, focus on figuring out solutions for the counterarguments. You will lose points if you cannot refute the arguments of your opponent. Refutations can help you win points while also hurting your opponent's morale.

  • Follow the time limit: Like public speeches, debate competitions also need you to follow the time limit. A debate will need to learn how to frame critical thinking questions for kids. But apart from that, you will also have to learn how to put forward your point of view within the given timeframe. You will also not get unlimited time to develop witty answers for critical thinking questions for kids. Therefore, time management is a crucial part of winning any debate competition.      

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  • What are the four fast debate formats for the secondary classroom?

The four fast debate formats for the secondary classroom include parliamentary debate, academic debate, cross-examination debate, and Lincoln-Douglas today. Learn about all the four types of debate at PlanetSparks, "my first debate" lessons.

  • How can one start a debate competition speech?

One should start their debate speech by introducing the topic well and delivering your stand on it. Introducing yourself while delivering a debate speech isn't a bad idea. If you wonder what to do at the beginning of "my first debate," try finding a powerful way to draw everyone's attention.

  • How to use debating as a teaching technique?

You can use debating as a teaching technique as it involves students expressing their opinions. Debating as a teaching technique can increase student involvement in a classroom. It also helps students develop their own understanding while connecting it to their experiences.

  • Is it beneficial to join online debate classes for middle school?

Joining online debate classes for middle school can equip various essential skills in students. The classes can help in developing the confidence of students to speak publicly. It also enables students to express their opinions with powerful logic to convince others.

  • Can debate lessons improve critical thinking skills?

Enrol your kid in debate lessons to improve critical thinking skills. Debate requires students to put their arguments convincingly. It revolves around proving you are right and, most importantly, why you are right.

  • What skills can you acquire by attending your first speech and debate?

You can acquire public speaking skills by attending your first speech and debate. It also helps you increase your confidence and improve your ability to convince others. The debate also helps people to improve their critical thinking skills.

  • Are Planetspark lessons helpful for my first debate?

Planetspark lessons can help you acquire various skills to win your first debate. The professionals will help you understand how to improve your debating skills. You will also learn how to structure your debate speech from PlanetSpark lessons. BOOK a session NOW!

Debating is just the start! Your child will learn all type of new age skills at PlanetSpark! BOOK a FREE Session NOW!

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