Writers Guild

Mon, 05 Aug, 2019

6 Benefits of PlanetSpark’s Descriptive Writing Course for Class 8 Children!

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About The Descriptive Writing Course For Class 8 Children

Writing is the most expressive way children imaginatively convey their thoughts on paper. Poems, poetry, stories, and dramas form the base of literature where the child can use descriptive writing to express themself. Although it is not the same as academic writing or journalistic writing, descriptive writing should also be equally important. Unlock your child's writing potential with PlanetSpark's Descriptive Writing Course for class 8 children! Uncover 6 major benefits in their academic journey.

Descriptive writing is all about imagination and creative skills. Here, the child uses their imagination to create an enticing story that captures their audience’s emotions through the written story.

Imbibe the same sense of creativity in your child by enrolling them in a Descriptive writing course for class 8 children. We at PlanetSpark guide and motivate your children to boost their imagination power and execute it beautifully on paper. As a child develops the power of writing, he becomes more expressive and artistic by nature. 

Book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark’s descriptive writing course for class 8 children and enhance your kid’s creative writing skills!

Benefits Of Descriptive Writing Course For Class 8 Children

Descriptive writing for class 8 kids

These are the top reasons you should enrol your child in the course today!

  1. Unique Approach

PlanetSparks believes in a scientific way of coaching. Our mentors are experts in their subjects and teaching methods.

During 8th-grade descriptive writing classes, the teacher unlocks the writing potential of your child by giving them personalized 1:1 attention. In this environment, the teacher studies the students and figures out the best way to invoke their power of imagination. After that, they guide the students on the technicalities and features of descriptive writing to achieve the best output.

  1. Diversifying Talent

A child has an innate ability to read and write. They need to guide them in the correct direction. Once they are familiar with descriptive writing skills for class 8, their pen starts flowing. All the elements of descriptive writing are taught through interactive 1:1 sessions, where the student and teachers share their ideas.

The students learn to take different perspectives on incidents and circumstances. They are highly influenced by the thought-provoking ideas of their mentors and implement those in their writing. The mentor provides undivided attention to the child. They keep the class enlivened by interacting with them through narration, games, and audiovisual aids.

  1. Expansion Of Vocabulary

As the Descriptive writing course for class 8 children progresses, students' vocabulary expands. Descriptive writing requires preparation, structure, and language choices. Furthermore, the children can decide the flow of their piece. 

As they attempt writing, the choice of words is entirely theirs. They try to use language to persuade others to understand their point of view. This helps in expanding their vocabulary to a great extent. They become more confident about their opinions.

  1. Enhanced Communication Skills

At the adolescent stage, the kids are more creative. As we grow older, creativity seems to dwindle. But the common problem children face is a communication barrier. Their minds are brimming with thoughts and ideas, but they struggle to express them. This course gives them a device to express themselves and improve their communication skills.

Thus, to connect with their children better, parents naturally want to enrol their child in only the Best Descriptive writing Course for class 8 children. They get a safe space to comprehend their emotions as they begin writing. They find a platform to share where their ideas get a voice. 

With time they get more confident in expressing themselves and face no barriers in communication. The new urge to present themselves inspires them to participate in debates, quizzes, school dramas, and spelling bee competitions.

  1. Improved Comprehensive Capacity

During grade 8 Descriptive writing training, children write and read the stories written by their peers. Many stories contain life lessons, moral messages, or even fiction. Reading the passages broadens readers' perspective and improves their capabilities of understanding others' direction of imagination and expression. So, your child develops a better total capacity.

  1. Learning The Art Of Language

In the 8th-grade descriptive writing classes, children learn about the technicalities of descriptive writing. Students learn to create underlying themes for their stories, poetry, or dramas. 

They develop a unique plot and tone for their piece and express them creatively. More practice allows them to connect with literature and expose them to various art forms. Through curiosity, they understand the author’s message better.

Book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark’s best descriptive writing course for class 8 children and get the above mentioned benefits today!

Characteristics Of 8 Descriptive Writing Course For Class 8 Children 

A person writing on a paper

When you enrol your child today, these are some of the events that happen in the sessions:

  1. Activities That Involve The Participation Of The Students

Considering the age group of the children, we are teaching at PlanetSpark. We try to make the class fun by incorporating interactive sessions in them. The class is filled with games, storytelling, and activities that help break the monotony of the course. A refreshed mind can concentrate better in the session and learn more.

  1. Expert Mentors

At PlanetSpark, we have the best-trained teachers who undergo the PlanetSpark Aptitude Test (PSAT) before they teach your child. They guide the child through each learning process step through empathy, logic, and reasoning. The mentors also map the student's progress and plan the sessions according to the child's needs. What’s more, parents receive regular updates on their child’s progress!

  1. Personal Attention To Each Child

Each child receives complete attention as the sessions are designed on a 1:1 level. Personalized sessions help children gain confidence in everything they do.

  1. Scientific Approach to Teaching

PlanetSpark's specialists have spent years observing children's learning patterns and developing teaching techniques that promote optimal learning. To extract the best, they follow a five-point methodology.

  • Incites curiosity in your child to make learning more interesting.

  • Provoke their thinking capabilities.

  • A deeper understanding of the subject by enhancing their observational and analytical skills.

  • Practice making problem-solving easier.

  • Sharing the newly learned skill with their peers.

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What is the descriptive writing for class 8 course about?

The Descriptive writing classes for class 8 children is a course that enables your child to paint a story in their words. The child employs descriptive writing to form a connection between him and the readers. The story can be a scene from their daily lives, an experience, or a fragment of their imagination.

  1. Which age group of children can enrol in this course?

Children in the age group of 12-13 can enrol in this course.

  1. Why should you choose PlanetSpark for 8th-grade descriptive writing classes?

Our unique teaching style and undivided attention provided by the mentors bring out the best in your child. The course time is optima,which will not interrupt your child's school activities. You can choose a class time as per your convenience.

  1. What are the course duration and fees?

Although we have a recommended timeframe to complete the course, we ultimately take it at your child's pace. Our 1:1 live sessions are designed that way too. To evaluate the fee structure, we request you to contact us and book a free trial today. 

  1. How to map whether my child is making progress?

Naturally, every parent or guardian wants to track their child’s progress. Apart from regularly asking them for updates, you can also track their progress reports on the PlanetSpark app and SMS and email.

  1. How can my child integrate the course into overall learning?

The writing course enhances the observational ability of the students. It enables the child to quickly adapt to new subjects and topics and understand them thoroughly. Their grasp on other subjects also improves, and they perform much better academically. Children in the course also perform well in science and math.

  1. How can this course help in the cognitive development of my child?

A child in classes 8 to 9 are in their formal operational stages where ideas and thoughts influence them greatly. Through 8th-grade descriptive writing classes, their personalities are moulded with noble thoughts and positive influence by their mentors.

  1. What are some essential descriptive writing skills?

The ability of an individual to create a story or an essay can focus solely on a factor. These factors include a location or an item that defines their descriptive writing skill.

  1. What are the main techniques involved in descriptive writing?

In descriptive writing, writers employ a variety of diverse tactics. These are literary devices, such as metaphor, simile, sensory writing, exaggeration, personification, and onomatopoeia.

  1. What is the significance of sensory elements in descriptive writing?

Stories would be lifeless without sensory elements. As a result, if the writer incorporates sensory components into their writing, readers will be able to immediately experience whatever the writer is attempting to communicate, reminding them of their own experiences and giving the writing a universal feel.

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