The art of Public Speaking

Thu, 21 Feb, 2019

5 Effective Activities That Will Help Your Child in Developing Storytelling Abilities!

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It is a universal truth that all children love stories. Stories can take them to a world full of magic and make their imaginations run wild. Telling children stories has been one of the oldest and most commonly practiced customs in almost all the cultures in the world. No matter where you look in the world, there are fairy tales that children have been told by their parents. The practice of telling stories from one generation to another is a millennia-old practice and when mankind could not write and keep records, this was the way they preserved their cultures. But today we are not talking about why it is important to tell your children stories, but rather, why is it important for them to learn storytelling and the importance of a good storytelling course for beginners kids. Learn about our 5 activities that will help your child in developing their storytelling abilities.

 A group of people telling stories

Storytelling is a very interesting exercise that helps children learn the importance of sharing their stories with others. Not only that, but it also improves their vocabulary and confidence in themselves. For young children, it is very important to start their storytelling exercises from a very young age. This way, they can blossom into confident teenagers and adults who are not afraid of public speaking and leadership roles. 

Storytelling training for beginners kids are there to teach children how to tell compelling stories to their peers and adults. These classes help them be more creative and more assertive. It is not easy to stand in front of a room full of people and tell a story, even adults struggle with that. But if children are taught from a young age how to do that through various different training and classes, they will be able to enjoy storytelling and not feel anxious about public speaking when they’re older. They will also grow up to be creative adults who are confident and eloquent. 

Book a FREE class NOW!

Aspects Of A Storytelling Class For Beginners Children

There are many aspects of storytelling. It is not only an exercise for children but can also be great for adults as well. Storytelling helps us express ourselves in the best way possible to other people. The famous YouTubers and other internet personalities are all great storytellers. They all have different styles that draw people to them. Storytelling is an art, and not everyone can be born with the talents to express themselves so naturally and so perfectly. That is why a storytelling course for beginners kids is important. It teaches kids why it is necessary to be able to tell stories with confidence and conviction. 

  1. Confidence Building 

One of the main things that storytelling teaches young children is to always be confident. It takes a tremendous amount of courage and confidence to be able to tell your story without the fear of ridicule and repercussions. Confidence is not just about being able to stand in front of people and tell a story but to tell them a story that they will listen to. A lot of young activists and leaders in the world are talking about problems that we face every day and people listen to them because their stories are real and convincing. If we want our children to become confident adults, we have to sow the seeds from a young age. A good storytelling training for beginners kids will help your children take pride in their stories and feel confident while telling them to other people. 

  1. Public Speaking 

Public speaking is a very useful skill in life. In our adult lives, we are always faced with situations that require us to give speeches or make presentations at work. A lot of the time, adults struggle with simple presentations and speeches because they have no experience with public speaking. Storytelling requires children to be good at public speaking as they have to tell their stories in front of an audience. If they are taught public speaking from a young age, their confidence levels will rise, and they will not be scared to perform in front of an audience. And later, as adults, they will be able to speak publically without any fear or anxiety. 

  1. Creative Thinking 

One of the most important aspects of storytelling is creativity. Even if a child is retelling a story they have read, they will have to do it in a way that grabs the attention of those present. And other times, they have to come up with stories themselves. This requires them to have a lot of creative capabilities. A good

storytelling class for beginners children will help them with creative thinking and make them better storytellers. 

If you’re looking for an online storytelling course for your child then you’ve come to the right place. Book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark and make your child a great storyteller!

Benefits Of PlanetSpark’s Storytelling Course For Beginners Kids

As we explained before, it is important for children to learn storytelling from a very young age to build up a habit that they can continue even as adults. But all children are unique and they all need different methods of learning to help and build this quality. This is why PlanetSpark’s storytelling class for beginners children can be helpful for your child. PlanetSpark gives special attention to the needs of all the children and helps them bring out their best qualities. We have experts and customized lesson plans that will make them confident and creative. This is what PlanetSpark offers in terms of lessons and teaching methods. 

  1. Interactive Online Classes 

We have experts working to build the best relationships for the children. PlanetSpark has live interactive one-on-one classes that give attention to all the children equally. This helps our experts figure out what each child needs help with and give them whatever they need. During the pandemic, a lot of children have not been able to go out and make friends. This has affected their confidence negatively. These children are usually shy and do not like anxiety-inducing situations like speaking publicly. But storytelling is a skill that requires them to speak in public and voice their opinions. With the help of our live and interactive classes, they will be able to regain their confidence. 

  1. Curriculums Made by Experts 

Nobody knows better than the experts right? That is why PlanetSpark has gathered experts in the fields to help the children with whatever they need. Storytelling is a skill that requires a lot of training. It is not something children can learn in a day. But we have curriculums that are carefully curated by the experts to suit the age of the children. In our beginners' course, there are children who are 5 years old to children who are 10 years old as well. These two ages will obviously require different training. Our experts had this in mind while making the curriculums that your children will study. We have a syllabus for each age group that our experts have arranged keeping the particular age groups in mind. At PlanetSpark, every child will be helped and all of them will grow. 

  1. Customized Lesson Plans

Curriculums are important, but they are still not enough to suit every child. They all have different needs and unique capabilities. PlanetSpark has kept this in mind. We want to let each child’s uniqueness shine through. That is why we have customized lesson plans for them. Our one-on-one sessions help us understand what each child needs the most help with and we organize our lesson plans to suit their needs. A customized lesson plan will mean that all your child’s needs are looked after. They will also feel no pressure to compete with anybody and learn at their own speed. 

  1. Worksheets for Evaluation 

Evaluations are very important while we are working with young children. Their cognitive abilities grow exponentially fast during this age. That is why we need to evaluate them constantly to track their growth and change their lesson plans accordingly. We have worksheets that will be easy for children to understand and solve at home. These worksheets help us see the changes we need to make while teaching them. 

If you want to learn more about PlanetSpark’s Storytelling training for beginners kids, then be sure to book your FREE trial today!

Curriculum Details Of PlanetSpark’s Storytelling Course For Beginners Kids

PlanetSpark has the best storytelling course for your child. We have an expert-curated curriculum that will help your child become the best storyteller. Here are all the details you need to know. 

Activities That Will Help Your Child’s Story Telling Abilities 

Classes are obviously important for children to nourish and grow their storytelling abilities. But they also need practice. Since not all of that can happen during classes, they will need to practice storytelling at home as well. But parents are often pretty confused about what they can do to help their children practice storytelling in a safe environment. Well, you don’t have to worry anymore. We have made a list of the activities that you can do at home with your children to help them become better storytellers. These activities are not just easy but also fun for your children and they will not get bored while learning.  

  1. Read Them Stories 

Your children will be interested in reading and telling stories if they are exposed to them from a younger age. Bedtime stories are an age-old custom in many cultures. Reading stories to children from a young age makes them fall in love with stories. And this makes them want to read and tell their own stories as they grow older. So if you want to spark an interest in storytelling in your child, be sure to read them stories since they are babies. 

  1. Encourage Them to Read Books 

This one is pretty self-explanatory as well. If children start to read from a young age, they will be more interested in telling stories as well. Not only that, but they will also be able to improve their English grammar and vocabulary through extensive reading. Teaching them how to read from a very young age is very important for the cognitive growth of children. Buy them age-appropriate books that they will understand and enjoy. You can buy picture books for younger children as they tend to get bored with books that have no pictures. It is important for them to have fun while learning. This helps them remember what they have learned a lot better.  

  1. Ask Them About What They Have Read

Reading is only half of the exercise, the children have to learn how to tell these stories to other people. There are a lot of children that struggle with expressing themselves and these problems continue when they are adults as well. That is why parents should always enquire about what they have read. See if your children can explain what they have read in a book in an eloquent manner. Help them out where they seem to be struggling. Support from parents means a lot to children. Let them know that you will always be there to guide them so they can gain confidence in themselves. 

  1. Do Story Building Exercises with Them

Young children can pick up on new skills pretty easily. That is why it is important for parents to guide them with the right activities. One of these activities is oral story building. It is sort of a game where you tell a few sentences of a story, and then your child has to make up the next few sentences of the story. This exercise is very important as it enhances your child’s focus, it helps them understand how stories are written and told, and it also helps them let go of their boundaries and increases their creative thinking process. They also learn how to tell stories in front of other people. 

  1. Public Speaking 

Public speaking is probably one of the most important aspects of storytelling. Being able to eloquently express yourself in front of an audience is no easy feat. A lot of children and adults struggle with public speaking all their lives. That is why it is important for children to be exposed to these environments from a young age so they do not fail to do these in their adult lives. You can get your child to perform and tell stories to their other friends and extended families. The more encouraging you are about what your child wants to accomplish, the more they will become confident in themselves. 

PlanetSpark Classes Testimonials 

  • “The teaching methodology, interesting and engaging learning strategies and the materials of PlanetSpark gives a wonderful, fun based learning.” 

Mayuri Malhotra


  • “The team of PlanetSpark includes sparkling educationists who want to bring an innovative change in their education system.” 

Ankita Dhoot


  • “The modules are engaging and focus on conceptual learning. Classes are a learning experience for kids as well as enjoyable for them.” 

Anjali Chahal


  • “PlanetSpark not only helps in conceptual learning but also helps kids to understand the ‘why’ behind the concept.” 

Vinita Tripathi


For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What type of stories will help my child? 

There are many types of children’s stories available in the market. If your child is very young, then they will enjoy picture books and rhymes. If they are a little older, you can introduce them to moral books and fairytales. 

  1. Does the storytelling course come with worksheets? 

PlanetSpark puts a lot of importance on evaluating children and helping them accordingly. That is why PlanetSpark has worksheets that help us understand how much our students have progressed and in what areas they need help.

  1. What activities can help my child become better at storytelling? 

Reading stories for your children, reading with them as they grow older, asking them questions about stories they have read are all ways in which your child can become a good storyteller. Being able to tell a story is more than just speaking. Your children will learn narrative techniques and sentence structures better the more they read and tell stories. 

  1. Why is storytelling important for young children? 

Storytelling makes us more confident individuals who are also great creative and critical thinkers. They also improve their public speaking skills through storytelling. Storytelling skills can come in handy for adults as well, especially for those who want to work in media. 

  1. Why is it important for children to read stories? 

Reading stories is not just about entertainment. It improves the cognitive thinking skills of children. Reading more also ensures that your child becomes a better storyteller. 

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