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Mon, 12 Mar, 2018

5 Benefits of English Creativity Master Course for Class 7 students!

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About English Creativity Master Course For Class 7 Students

A little girl playing with colors

Creativity skills are given the highest importance today because it is with creativity that an individual finds their own path and makes a difference. Boost your Class 7 students' English skills with our English Creativity Master Course for class 7 students. Discover the top 5 benefits of this engaging learning tool today!

Regardless of what career path the child chooses when they grow up, they can innovate through creative thinking and establish themselves anywhere. Every child has creativity in them! The creativity master course for class 7 students enables the kids to unlock their hidden potential.

In this course, PlanetSpark’s highly qualified teachers mentor the children and teach them how to identify their creative potential and enhance it. The children also learn how to identify problems in their lives and solve them creatively. The course unlocks their creative thinking ability, thus, allowing them to think out of the box.

The children are encouraged to be creative by learning how to create and post interactive media such as audio on podcast channels and videos on YouTube. This allows them to find their voice and speak openly.

Benefits Of English Creativity Master Course for Class 7 Kids


These are the top five reasons your child should enhance their English creativity master skill today!

  1. Solve Problems Creatively

When children develop a creative mindset, they tend to look at everything from a creative aspect. Even if a certain situation is a hurdle in their life. The English creativity master course for class 7 helps your children solve problems in school and throughout their life in a creative manner.

  1. Children Communicate Effectively

Creating online material for social media requires the children to think and speak properly. Over time, parents notice that their children's speech becomes more clear. They learn to communicate openly and more effectively about their opinions.

  1. Encourages Lifelong Learning

The 7th class creativity master training online that the child receives also promotes lifelong learning. Children adapt to looking at all the good and bad situations in their lives through various aspects and perspectives.

  1. More Opportunities

The world today demands people with a creative and artistic eye. By fostering creativity right from childhood, the child stands to gain more opportunities for their careers when they grow up. 

Every business and brand knows they stand to benefit when they hire young, creative minds. Hence, the online English creative master course for class 7 students is highly beneficial to them.

  1. Enhances self-discovery

This course allows children to not only unlock their creative, artistic side but also help them understand what they like and dislike. This is important as the children can then choose the path they want to walk on. Through self-discovery, children understand themselves better and are more likely to succeed. 

Book a FREE class NOW to get the efficient benefits of PlanetSpark’s creativity master course for class 7 students today!

Importance Of English Creativity Master Course For Class 7 Kids 

A kid mastering creativity

  1. Improvement in Mental Health

When children indulge in creativity, they understand many important things such as relationships, balance in life, equality, etc. Ultimately, these factors contribute to their mental health.

  1. Enhances Thinking Power

As children improve on their English creativity master skill, their thinking power gets enhanced as well. Children learn to confront situations in activities and think logically. It helps them put thoughts into perspective.

  1. Freedom To Experiment

Children are given enough space to experiment and make mistakes. This improves their confidence and they learn certain life skills in their own ways.

 PlanetSpark is the right platform for your child to master creativity at an early age. So, don’t wait anymore and book a FREE class right away!

Features Of PlanetSpark’s Creativity Master Class

Personalized 1:1 Sessions For Each Child

PlanetSpark's teachers are highly trained and experienced professionals that provide your child with one-on-one attention throughout the course. These sessions are self-paced, and the teacher adapts to the kid's personality and learning style as the child proceeds through the course. 

This assists them in understanding where the child is falling short and how they can learn better. Each child receives adequate training so that they can learn English creativity master skill smoothly.

  1. Highly Qualified Mentors

PlanetSpark's teachers are all highly educated and talented. They must not only be well skilled in their field, but they must also do well on PlanetSpark's Aptitude Test (PSAT) before beginning to teach with us. When you enroll your child at the English creativity master course for 7th grade, you can be certain that they will only receive the best skills relevant to the online environment today.

  1. Designed By Industry Experts

Every PlanetSpark course is planned and developed by industry specialists from XLRI and Harvard, as well as insightful insights from mental health experts and child psychologists. These specialists work to enhance the educational system on a daily basis; at PlanetSpark, we work to improve education for your child.

  1. Fun learning experience

No learning session is ever a boring one. Through interactive media, tools and engaging lessons, children learn everything they need to know about becoming masters in creativity. What’s more, they also learn to create worthy content for social media.

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What are the various age groups of children that are eligible to participate in this course?

This course is designed specifically for youngsters in class 7 who are between the ages of 11-12. Every age group of children learn in different ways. As a result, we propose enrolling your child in a grade-specific course to maximize the benefits of the learning experience.

  1. What is PlanetSpark and how does it benefit my child?

PlanetSpark is an interactive EdTech platform online that uses cutting-edge technology to provide your child with the best education possible. By enrolling your child in the English Creativity Master Course For class 7 students, they unleash their creative side and learn how to make a difference in their surroundings. By allowing the child to express their emotions freely, their emotions also improve.

  1. How can we monitor our child’s progress?

After enrolling in the creative master course for class 7, parents and guardians may now easily track their child's development. All they have to do is launch the PlanetSpark app, login with the correct credentials, and then track their child's progress. PlanetSpark also provides regular updates through SMS and text messages.

  1. Is it beneficial for children to be creative?

It is essential for children to be creative in today’s world if they wish to succeed. Apart from just being successful, having a creative outlet also allows the kids to be in touch with their feelings and emotions and also express them freely. This is beneficial for the child as their mental health improves.

  1. Does my child need to possess certain skills or knowledge to be creative?

It is not necessary for the child to possess certain skills or knowledge to learn how to be creative. Creativity comes from within; every child has the potential in them that just needs to be unlocked. The creativity master classes for class 7 by PlanetSpark enables children to unlock and realize their true potential.

  1. What is the total course duration and fees?

Although we have a recommended timetable for completing the course, we ultimately take it at your child's speed. Our 1:1 live sessions are intended that way too. To examine the cost structure, please contact us and schedule a free trial now.

  1. How to encourage my child to be creative?

There are several ways a parent can encourage their child to be creative. They can:

  • Introduce their child to vlogging and encourage them to create videos for social media through a phone or camera.

  • Speak about whatever interests them and post it as a weekly or fortnightly podcast.

  • Post informative short reels on Instagram and Facebook.

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