
Wed, 06 Nov, 2019

4 Benefits of Growing Your Own Vegetables!

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Lifestyle Choices

Planting vegetables and herbs

Food is a critical part of our lives. Whether it is the type of food that we eat or how we obtain the food items, each step of the process is a lifestyle choice. If we decide to eat processed food items, we are making a choice. On the other hand, we are also making a choice when we include fruits, vegetables, and other natural products in our diet. Similarly, whether we decide to buy our groceries from a supermarket, a local seller, or grow them ourselves, we are still making a choice.

When everything is a choice, it can be difficult to decide which is the best option at any point in time. We may need the convenience of buying things from the shops due to lack of time, or we may choose to grow our own fruits and vegetables. 

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The important thing here is to identify the benefits and negative aspects of any choice we make. Making an informed decision is always the best approach. Here, we discuss some benefits of growing our own vegetables. These will help us understand why experts recommend that we grow our own vegetables.

Benefits of growing own vegetables

Growing own vegetables

  1. Improved Nutrition

Let us begin from the beginning. Vegetables are an essential component of the food we consume, thereby being a vital contributor to our nutrition. Vegetables grown in fields with chemical-based fertilizers tend to lose their nutritional value. When grown commercially, the motto becomes quantity over quality. Thus, the desired health benefits can not be achieved.

Instead, if we grow our own vegetables, we will know exactly what is going into the soil and the water that we are using. In other words, we will make sure to get the maximum nutrition out of the vegetables by taking care of the plants as they grow. 

Also, vegetables grown elsewhere need to be plucked, packed, transported and stored before we buy them. Each of these activities involves some time lag during which the vegetables lose their nutritional value. In direct contrast to this situation, the vegetables that we grow ourselves can be plucked fresh and used directly. There is a minimal time gap, ensuring the nutrition and benefits of the vegetables remain intact.

  1. Better Health

We know that growing our own vegetables enhances their nutritional value. This certainly has a positive impact on our health. But this is not the only health benefit that we get. Maintaining a garden, big or small, involves intensive physical exercise. While we are working with nature, we feel happy. All the exercises involved in the activity also ensure that we are fit and healthy.

Besides, working in the sun helps us absorb vitamin D from the sunrays, giving an additional health benefit of developing strength in our bones. Thus, a simple action towards growing our own vegetables has many health benefits.

  1. Economic Benefits

All the vegetable-producing activities that we discussed earlier – using fertilizers or pesticides, packaging, transporting, or storing the vegetables – involve costs. Thus, by the time the vegetables are ready and sold in the retail shops, there is a sizable cost attached to them. On the other hand, if we grow our own vegetables, the prices are drastically reduced. There is minimal wastage, leading to cost savings further. This is why we should grow our own vegetables or give it a try once.

  1. Environmental Benefits

Growing and selling vegetables in bigger retail outlets involves many steps that directly impact the environment. As the quantity of vegetables grown is reduced, the wastage of precious resources like water is also reduced. Besides, the decreased need for transportation also reduces the pollution caused by fossil fuels. Thus, growing our own vegetables is good not just for ourselves but also for the environment.

With so many advantages and counting, it is a great effort in the right direction if everyone or every family tries to grow their own vegetables.

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  1. Is it worth growing our own vegetables?

Growing our own vegetables certainly has several benefits – health, nutrition, physical activity, and cost benefits, to name a few.

  1. Are there any environmental impacts of growing our own vegetables?

The environmental impacts of growing our own vegetables are manifold. First, soil and water quality are carefully managed, reducing chemical pollution. Next, the wastage of precious resources like water is avoided. And the decreased need for transportation also reduces the pollution caused by fossil fuels.

  1. What is the most significant benefit of growing our own vegetables?

Undoubtedly, health improvements are the most significant benefit of growing our own vegetables. Besides, budget-friendliness and reduced pollution are added benefits.

  1. Is growing our own vegetables a sustainable lifestyle choice?

Growing our own vegetables does make for a more sustainable lifestyle choice. The joy of watching the plants grow and bear fruit is an added advantage.

  1. Is it expensive to grow our own vegetables?

If a proper cost-benefit analysis is done, growing our own vegetables is a clear winner over buying vegetables.

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