The art of Public Speaking

Tue, 08 Mar, 2022

4 Advance-Level Activities That Will Help Your Child Become a Great Storyteller!

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Storytelling For Advance-Level Children Is More Useful Than You Think 

Storytelling is a form of art and not everyone can do it well. But that does not mean that every child does not have the potential to learn and be a good storyteller. A lot of parents read their children stories when they are younger and that makes a world of difference. Through these activities, they become better listeners and it also makes them more empathetic towards others. But as they grow older, there is a need to teach them how to be better storytellers as it can be of huge help to their careers as adults. That is why it is important to enroll your child in a good storytelling course for advance-level kids. Learn about 4 activities that will help your child become a great storyteller.

Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of cultural preservation. Most of the old mythological stories we get to read today were passed down to us orally from one generation to another. But just because we have other forms of preservation for our history now, does not mean that the art of storytelling is not important anymore. It is what draws people in when they read a good book or watch a movie. A good orator or public speaker has to be a good storyteller. Storytelling is a way for kids to expand their creativity to unknown heights. That is why it is important for parents to enroll their children in a good storytelling course for advance-level kids. 

If your child gets proper storytelling training for advance-level kids early on, then they will be able to express themselves better through words in every situation later in life. They will become more confident and be able to speak in public without any hesitation. There are a lot of adults who are afraid of public speaking as they are unable to properly put their thoughts into appropriate words. But in PlanetSpark’s storytelling course for advance-level kids, we ensure to make your child a better orator and storyteller through age-appropriate training and a stellar curriculum curated by experts. 

Book a FREE class NOW!

Aspects Of Storytelling Training For Advance-Level Kids

Storytelling, even though an individual skill, comprises many layers. It helps children learn many other skills while also making them amazing storytellers. Storytelling is something that people use well into their adult lives, especially in their careers. If your child chooses to work in the media or in the teaching field, this skill will always come in handy. Telling a story is not just about putting words together, it is about resonating with the audience and making them enjoy what you have prepared. Here are some of the aspects of storytelling that PlanetSpark’s storytelling course for advance-level kids can help the children with.  

  1. Learning Language and Grammar 

The main goal of teaching the children storytelling is to make them confident orators. But to become better storytellers, they first need to learn the language properly. At PlanetSpark, we help the children by improving their grammar and vocabulary skills. When they have the perfect way of expressing themselves at their disposal, they automatically become more confident about telling their stories to others. 

  1.  Confidence 

Storytelling requires confidence. It is not easy for people to tell their stories in front of an audience without any fear. A lot of adults also struggle with their confidence when they are speaking at a public event or even presenting their ideas at a work meeting. All of these tasks require confidence and that is what we teach our kids. To be able to present their thoughts and ideas to the world without any fear. Our storytelling classes help kids introspect and understand their abilities. That paired with classes that help them improve their skills make them confident individuals. And when they learn to be confident at the tender age of 11-14, they will carry these lessons with them into their adulthood as well.  

  1. Creativity 

Creativity is the main driving force behind storytelling. Children are creative by nature. We just give them a push in the right direction to explore the full expanse of their creativity. Creativity helps them get ideas about stories and whatever else they might want to present to the world. Pretty much every field requires a certain amount of creativity. The goal of our classes is to make sure that children get to explore the full capacity of their creative thinking and use their unique ideas to tell stories.  

  1. Public Speaking 

Public speaking is another aspect that a lot of children and adults struggle with. Public speaking is not easy. It is a skill that needs time to build. But as we help to improve the language and creative skills of a child, their confidence in their abilities rises to a new height. Storytelling will also help the children become better orators and not feel anxious over the prospect of speaking in front of an audience. Public speaking is an important life skill as we all need to speak in front of an audience no matter which field we choose to build our careers in. Storytelling classes help children make their public speaking skills even better. 

Develop your child’s storytelling skills by booking a FREE class with our online storytelling course for advance-level kids!

Benefits Of PlanetSpark’s Storytelling Course For Advance Level Kids

Storytelling classes are important for children. They can teach children to be confident and improve their english vocabulary. They can also allow children to have more freedom in their creative thinking. But we also have to acknowledge the fact that all children have unique abilities and needs. If they are in a class where their unique needs are not acknowledged and nurtured, then they might start feeling insecure about themselves. That is why planetspark’s storytelling course for advance-level kids is the perfect place for your child’s abilities to grow. Storytelling is not just about speaking in front of an audience. It is about telling a story, any story, in a way that is enjoyable and gripping. Storytelling can be in any format, oral or otherwise. But a true storyteller’s mastery lies in their capability to be relatable and entertaining. Here is what planetspark will provide your children with.

  1. Expert-made Curriculum 

For PlanetSpark, students always come first. That is why we provide them with the best care and lessons possible. Here, we have a curriculum that is meticulously curated by our experts. Nobody better understands children’s needs than experts. We have experts from IIT, Harvard, BITS, and many more coveted institutions that are working towards making the best possible curriculum for children. At PlanetSpark you can rest assured that your children are being provided with the best guidance any class can offer.

  1. Qualified Teachers 

PlanetSpark gives your children the proper guidance that they need, and we do not cut any corners when it comes to training the kids. That is why we have teachers that are experienced and have the proper qualifications for teaching children. They will guide your children through any hardships they face while attending our storytelling training for advance-level kids. They are caring and attentive and the children will be able to clear all their doubts if they have any after the classes. 

  1. One-On-One Classes 

Sometimes kids are shy and they feel insecure about asking questions and clearing their doubts in a class fearing that the other children might make fun of them. But you do not need to worry about that in PlanetSpark. Our live classes have one-on-one sessions which will allow your child to ask questions at their will. Our teachers are always there for the students. For a skill like storytelling, which requires a lot of practice, these state-of-the-art live classes are really helpful and make the children feel comfortable and confident. We also have customized lesson plans for each child and their needs.

  1. Worksheets for Evaluation 

Evaluation is key while children are learning a new skill. That is why PanetSpark has worksheets for each child. These worksheets help our teachers understand in which areas the child needs help and that is how they customize their lesson plans. These worksheets can also give the parents an idea about how much their children are improving through these classes. 

If you want to know more about PlanetSpark’s storytelling classes, be sure to sign up for our FREE trial today and get the benefits!

Activities That Will Help Your Children Become Better Storytellers

As we have already mentioned, storytelling is an acquired skill that takes time and practice to master. That means that only attending classes will sharpen your skills, but if you want your children to truly master the art of storytelling, make sure they do some activities in their free time to enhance their skills. These activities are nothing complicated and students will actually have fun while doing them. These activities will help them gain more insight into the art of storytelling and how they can do it in a way that will capture the attention of those present.  

A group of people sitting around a fire and a man telling  a story

  1. Reading Books 

If your child wants to improve their storytelling skills, the first thing they need to do is read a lot of stories. There is a lot of age-appropriate fiction out there with amazing writing and storytelling. Reading good books is one of the best habits any child or adult can have. The more they read books, the more accustomed they will become to the art of storytelling. You can also ask them about their opinion of the story or certain characters after they have finished reading the story. This way, they will be able to convey their thoughts in a safe environment. They will also learn a lot through this experience.  

  1. Watch Youtube Videos 

There are a lot of videos on the internet that have some amazing storytelling. Even though a lot of what goes on in social media can be harmful to children, there are some amazing creators who are great storytellers. Channels related to science, history, geography, anthropology, and language can be very helpful for kids. They will be able to see how to present facts and information in a fun and entertaining manner. Not only will they learn storytelling through this exercise but also be able to learn a lot more on other subjects through the videos.  

  1. Watch Plays and Movies 

Movies and plays have some of the best narration styles across any media. If your child reads a classic book, they will be able to resonate with the movies and see how the narration style changes for different modes of media. Even though the story remains the same, the storytelling styles of books and movies are completely different. If they want to work in the media business in the future, this could be a great way for them to learn how to tell stories in different formats. 

  1. Write Stories 

To be a great storyteller, first, you have to come up with great stories. There is no better time to start story writing than this age. If your children read a lot of books, they will anyway be able to come up with more stories. If they practice story writing on a regular basis, their creative thinking will also improve by leaps and bounds. There is really no better exercise for making kids better storytellers than letting them write their own stories. You can also give them advice and constructive criticism on how to write better. They will benefit greatly from your guidance. 

PlanetSpark Classes Testimonials 

  • “PlanetSpark not only helps in conceptual learning but also helps kids to understand the ‘why’ behind the concept.” 

Vinita Tripathi


  • “The teaching methodology, interesting and engaging learning strategies and the materials of PlanetSpark gives a wonderful, fun based learning.” 

Mayuri Malhotra


  • “The modules are engaging and focus on conceptual learning. Classes are a learning experience for kids as well as enjoyable for them.” 

Anjali Chahal


  • “The team of PlanetSpark includes sparkling educationists who want to bring an innovative change in their education system.” 

Ankita Dhoot


For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. Does PlanetSpark have live classes for their storytelling course for advance-level kids? 

Yes, PlanetSpark’s storytelling course for advance-level kids has live one-on-one classes with teachers. Our teachers are all qualified and experienced. Your child will be in good hands if you want to enroll them in our classes. All of our online courses have one-on-one, interactive, live classes.

  1. Do PlanetSpark classes have worksheets for the children? 

Yes. PlanetSpark values evaluation as it helps us track the growth of the child and also lets us know in which areas they could use more help. Our worksheets are simple and children will have no problem understanding them. 

  1. What types of books should your child read? 

If your child is 11-15 years old, it is time for them to start reading the classic books of English literature. They can start with easy books that they will not have a hard time understanding. They can also watch the movies based on the books they read to understand how the storytelling styles of the two formats are different even though the story remains the same. They can also read and watch plays as that also offers a completely different point-of-view from books and movies. 

  1. Why is it important to learn storytelling? 

Storytelling is one of the greatest ways of preserving our culture. It is not only about oral history but other things as well. The books we read, the movies we watch are all pieces of history and they all feature the art of storytelling. Learning storytelling also gives children more confidence and makes them ready for a better future. It also makes them more comfortable with public speaking and lets them flex their creative muscles. 

  1. What are some activities that can help improve a child’s storytelling abilities? 

There are many activities that children can practice at home by themselves or with their parents that will help them become better storytellers. Reading a lot of books- both fiction and non-fiction, watching literary movies and plays, writing stories by themselves are all activities that will help them become better storytellers. They can also take part in debates or extempore competitions to get over their fear of public speaking. 

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