
Tue, 04 May, 2021

3 Reasons supporting the withdrawal of overseas military bases by the United States!

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Reasons supporting the withdrawal of overseas military bases

Even though the total number of overseas military bases has declined since 1945, the US still has and utilizes a substantial number. Some perceive this as a show of strength, while others believe it puts the country in danger. So, unless there is a clear and present threat to US security, it should consider closing  its foreign bases across the world, and there are various arguments for doing so, including:

1. The Deterrence Effect Of These Bases Is Overrated.

Deterrent effects of bases are frequently exaggerated. Even in the absence of the American army in the Western Europe regions, there was an "overabundance of alarmism" about the Soviet threat during the Cold War, and "a Soviet invasion seemed very unlikely." Deterrence, in some cases, can have the reverse effect. Many people believe that the presence of the US military in Europe deters the aggression of the Russian military. However, Russia's interventions in Georgia and Ukraine are motivated more by Russian fears of the developing military institutions and western economy of the US-led and then by indications that show inadequate military presence & American weakness in Eastern Europe.

2. These Bases Can Foster Resentment.

Local resentment of foreign military bases can last generations; for example, sixty-five thousand Okinawans protested the installation of a US military base there in the streets. At times, such resentment may be lethal. Suicide Bombing is largely motivated by opposition to foreign domination. The US military bases present in Saudi Arabia were, in fact, one of the major complaints used to organize the Muslims in opposition to America. Terrorist strikes on US troops and facilities in the Middle East region have increased dramatically since the United States increased its military presence in the region after 9/11.

3. These Bases Have The Potential To Drag The US Into Needless Wars.

Wherever there is a possibility of confrontation due to US bases, authorities urge American participation. These, on the other hand, risk entangling America in overseas conflicts that aren't its responsibility. If a conflict arises in the East and South China Seas over maritime or territorial disputes, the United States may be obliged to intervene to safeguard Taiwan, Japan, and the Philippines. It is not in their best interests to engage in a conflict with China over some uninhabited rocks with little strategic worth.

4. They've Mostly Become Irrelevant Due To Technological Advancements.

Some say that these bases enable a faster military response. This is true to a certain extent. On the other hand, long-distance transport concerns have been significantly reduced by modern military equipment. Ground forces may be dispatched from the US nearly as fast as they can be dispatched from inside an area. These long-range bombers can make fly trips of up to nine thousand miles and refuel in the air, reducing ground forces' requirements in neighboring nations. The simple reality is that troops can be placed in practically any location on the planet rapidly enough to be stationed in the US.

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As a result, the United States should reconsider acting militarily worldwide until there is a clear and present threat to American security, as there are several hazards and issues linked with these overseas bases.


  1. How many US military bases are there across the world?

In 70 foreign nations and colonies, there are around 750 to 800 US military bases.

  1. Ranking of nations based on the number of military bases they have overseas?

The United States has the most military bases in other countries, followed by the United Kingdom, Russia, France, India, Turkey, Germany, Italy, Japan, and China.

  1. What percentage of US taxes go to these overseas military bases?

The cost of US bases abroad is projected to be $55 billion per year.

  1. Has the United States benefited from these military bases since their inception?

Since 2001, US bases have assisted the US in launching wars and other military actions in at least 25 nations.

  1. Which is the largest overseas US military base?

Nearly half of all US military troops stationed abroad, or 80,100, are stationed in Japan (53,700) and South Korea (26,400). Camp Humphreys is the biggest US military installation outside the United States and is located 65 kilometers (40 miles) south of Seoul.

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