Grammar Fanatic

Sun, 02 Aug, 2020

3 benefits of Prepositions that you can't miss!

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When children start learning a language, it takes them a little while to master the skill of using appropriate words in the right places. In the English language, using prepositions is one such grammar concept that may puzzle them. They might get confused if the book is on the table or at the table? Likewise, using phrases like speak to or speak with can be tricky for class 1 kids.Want your kids to master the usage of prepositions at a young age? Book a FREE Class with PlanetSpark Language Expert NOW and learn grammar in 60 days!

Then, what to do about this word misplacement dilemma? How to remove the confusion of our little learners? We are here to help

This article teaches simple methods to learn Class 1 English prepositions.


Prepositions form a vital part of the English language, similar to nouns, verbs and adjectives. These are position words that state the relation of a person or a thing with other parts of a sentence. They link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence.

For Example:

The dog is under the chair.

The chocolates are in the box. 

In the above sentences, the words under and in tell the following

  • the position of the dog relative to the chair

  • the place of the chocolates in regard to the box

Thus, these words are called prepositions.

Prepositions connect the different parts of a sentence and depict the relationships between all the elements (subjects and objects). These are short words, with fewer than six letters on average, yet constitute an essential part of the sentence structure.

As evident from the name, prepositions commonly get placed before (pre) an object (a noun, pronoun, or gerund verb) to state its time, place and direction. Want to Learn about prepositions, conjunctions, verbs etc in more detail? Book a FREE Class with our Language Expert and explore the easiest way to learn grammar! 

 For that reason, they have the following types:

Preposition of Time

These are the prepositions that tell about the time or period when the action occurs.

For example:

Rita will go shopping at the weekend.

I wake up early in the morning.

Our school is reopening on 10th July.

 Here, on, at, and in are prepositions of time as they give information on the particular moments when the action gets done. Some other common prepositions of time: since, after, during, after, before, around, from, until

Rules to use -

  • On: for days, the exact date

He will come on Monday.

India got independence on 15th August 1947.

  • In: for months, years, seasons, times of the day

My birthday comes in June.

She was born in 2012.

Autumn is in October.

We will leave in the afternoon.

  • For: for a time duration

John was in London for three years.

  • At: for expressions of clock time, specific time of the day

The meeting will begin at 10 am.

  • Mr Smith finally showed up at dinnertime.

Preposition of Place or Position

These are the prepositions that tell about the relative position of the subject with the object.

For example:

The birds are flying above the clouds.

The kitten is sleeping inside the basket.

Rohan is sitting on the sofa.

The keys are in the drawer.

Here, above, inside, on and in are prepositions of place. They give information on the exact location of the noun.

Some other examples of the preposition of place: across, between, near, behind, in front of, below, under, over, before 

Preposition of Direction

These are the prepositions that tell about the change in the place or position of the noun

For example:

The train is passing through the tunnel.

The cat jumped onto the table.

A little puppy fell into the pit.

Here through, onto, and into are prepositions of direction. They give information on the change in position of the subject due to movement.

Some other examples of the preposition of direction: off, towards, up, down, along

Benefits Of Learning English Prepositions In Class 1

  • helps young learners frame and structure complex sentences

  • improves their vocabulary and communication skills

  • aids them in expressing their ideas and thoughts more clearly. 

Prepositions are called the ‘closed class’ of words in the English language. Unlike their other grammar counterparts (nouns, verbs and adjectives), there are no additions to the already existing list of prepositions. Kids learn intricate or complex prepositions in the higher classes. PlanetSpark unique lesson plans are designed in such a way that it takes the child through the complete journey of grammar in a fun and interactive way! Book your FREE class now to experience this!

Challenges In Learning Prepositions For Class 1 Kids

Prepositions are tricky due to discrepancies in functions and categories.

The same preposition performs a different function under different categories.

E.g. Soha usually studies at night. (Here, at is used as a preposition of time).

Tina will meet me at the mall. (Here, at is used as a preposition of place).

Similarly, it is in the afternoon, but at night; at Christmastime, but on Christmas Eve.

The above intricacies may confuse the little learners. Nonetheless, a thorough grasping of the concepts and regular practice can contribute to faster and easier learning of this interesting grammar topic.

Learning Approaches To Prepositions For Grade 1 Kids

As for Grade 1 kids, the best way to learn prepositions is through infographics. Children visualise the images and identify the correct prepositions. So, if they see a picture of a boy standing under a tree or a bird sitting on a branch, they can make out which preposition to use. Playing exciting games (‘Simon Says’, ‘Scavenger Hunt’ or ‘I Spy’) and interactive activities also facilitate their learning process.

If pictures are not available, a rule of prudence applies to using suitable prepositions. For example, the sentence, the lamp is on the table, makes sense. Here, using other prepositions, such as in, under or at, makes the sentence sound inappropriate. Thus, children learn to apply their judgement to select the correct preposition. As a parent, motivate them to use them naturally in their day-to-day conversations.  The suggested technique for kids to learn the position-words is to memorise the expressions in phrases. We use specific verbs and adjectives in a certain way with a preposition phrase.

For example, there are two ways to use the verb talk:

  • The teacher will talk to the parents about the matter.

  • It tells about one-way communication to pass on some information.

  • The manager speaks with his team to discuss the new project. 

It tells about a collaborative discussion on a topic.

Similarly, we use different prepositions with the word available.

  • The books are available from the bookstore.

  • The data is now available to the survey team.

  • A wide range of jobs is available in this company.

Thus, different prepositions convey different meanings of the same word in distinct situations. Class 1 kids learn to use prepositions in phrases slowly and steadily.

Final Words

Though perceived as a complicated grammar concept, prepositions are fun to learn. The 1st Class English Prepositions are simple words that your little one can easily understand. Regular speaking, listening, reading, and writing can help them learn at a steady pace.


What are prepositions for Class 1 kids?

For budding learners, prepositions are words that state the relationship between a noun or a pronoun with other words in the sentence. These are position words for kids, as they tell the position of a noun or a pronoun. On, at, in, behind, under, over are all examples of preposition words.

How can children of Class 1 learn English prepositions?

  • Children learn the best through playful activities. It is best to introduce prepositions to Grade 1 kids by demonstrating the position of persons, animals or things around them. For example, show them a box under the table or a boy sitting on the chair.

  • Similarly, show them different images, flashcards and videos, and explain the position of the nouns to the other noun. 

  • Play different games with them using prepositions. Play “Simon Says” to give them directions to move to a particular place or position (behind the door, in front of the desk, onto the sofa, etc.). Play the Scavenger Hunt game by writing the locations of the hidden objects in small chits using prepositions. Ask them to tell you about their daily schedule to teach prepositions of time.

  • Give them worksheets to solve questions in the form of filling in the blanks, multiple-choice and rewriting the incorrect sentences.

The above techniques will help the Class 1 kids memorise and use the preposition words and phrases in different forms.

What are the commonly-used 1st Class English Prepositions?

In the introductory stages, kids of Class 1 learn the most commonly-used English grammar prepositions: on, in, at, above, below, up, down, between.

What are the main categories of prepositions for grade 1 kids?

  • Preposition of Place or Position

  • Preposition of Time

  • Preposition of Direction

 Can a preposition word be used in different categories?

Yes, the placement of prepositions depends on the sentence structure and purpose. Hence, they get used interchangeably under different heads. Prepositions such as on, at and in often get used in diverse forms.

Prepositions are just the start! Learn the complete English Language in 60 days by enrolling in PlanetSpark Excellence Course! Book a FREE Class NOW!

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