
Mon, 13 May, 2019

11 Impacts of Insomnia On the Human Body!

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Insomniac person

Most individuals require seven to nine hours of sleep every night; when they don't get enough sleep, their health declines. Chronic insomnia is diagnosed when it occurs at least three times each week for more than three months.


Fatigue is not similar to feeling tired or possessing any energy to do much. When your exhaustion begins to interfere with everyday work and life, you're experiencing fatigue, expected effects of chronic insomnia, headache, dizziness, sore or weak muscles, etc.

Mood Disorders

Chronic insomnia can develop into a moody condition, such as sadness or anxiety. In large-scale research, insomniacs were five times as likely to develop depression as compared to those who did not have sleep problems.


Individuals who sleep less than 8 hrs/day are more likely to show stress indicators—feeling irritable or angry compared to those who receive proper sleep.

Performance Of The Mind

Insomnia might make it difficult to recall things, concentrate, and create effective judgments.

Gaining Weight

According to scientists, sleep deprivation is known to influence the hormones that govern appetite and fullness. Insomnia may escalate the danger of obesity and diabetes.

Immune System Deficiency

Insomniac individuals are more likely to fall ill when they contract a virus. Chronic sleeplessness may lower the number of antibodies and immune cells in your body.


Individuals who slept 5 or fewer hours/day were 212 times more likely to develop diabetes than individuals who slept 7-8 hours/day.

Heart Problems

Research shows that one night of less sleep causes a healthy person’s blood pressure to rise. If it occurs frequently, arteries may be damaged by high blood pressure, putting you in the danger of heart attack or heart failure.


Having an accident increases if you have insomnia and focus issues from the weariness. In a research study, 900 truck drivers with insomnia were twice as likely to be in an accident.

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Insomnia is a sleep disorder that can disrupt mental, emotional, and physical well-being. If you or someone you know has insomnia, you should connect with health care professionals and discuss treatment.


  1. What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which a person has difficulty falling asleep, remaining asleep, or waking up too soon.

  1. How can insomnia affect our health?

Insomnia can impact our physical and mental health, weakening our immune system and increasing the risk of heart disease.

  1. Can you have diabetes if you have insomnia?

Insomnia influences how your body regulates blood sugar, increasing the risk of diabetes.

  1. How can insomnia affect the performance of the mind?

If you don't get enough sleep for a few nights, the "brain fog" you experience might worsen.

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