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Mon, 15 Mar, 2021

10 Popular Fairy Tale Stories for Kids!

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Every parent should inculcate the habit of reading fairy tales in their kids. Classic fairy tales reading passages help kids become fluent readers.

10 Popular Fairy Tale Stories for Kids

The ten popular fairy tales stories for kids are as follows:

  • The Three Little Pigs: Reading fairy tales like The Three Little Pigs is a great way to develop the habit of reading in young kids. The story revolves around three little pigs who want to find their way in the big world. But a wolf bullies the pigs and makes them realize that their new adventure won't be easy. In the end, the pigs are able to defeat the wolf when he tries to ruin their brick home.

  • Jack and Beanstalk: It is one of the fairy tale stories for kids giving them a taste of adventure. Jack's mother sends him to sell their cow. Jack sells the cow and earns some magic beans in exchange. He plants the beans, and they grow into a beanstalk reaching the sky. When Jack climbs to the top, he comes across a home filled with treasure. But the catch is that the house belongs to a sleeping giant.

  • Sleeping Beauty: Reading fairy tales like Sleeping Beauty takes kids into a world of magic. A princess falls into a deep sleep after touching a particular item in the story. The princess is woken up from her sleep by a prince, and the two of them live happily ever after.

  • The Princess and the Pea: It is one of the fairy tale stories for kids that encourages kids to keep their rooms clean. The story is about a princess who loses an entire night of sleep due to a pea. The tiny vegetable gets placed under her mattress and prevents her from being comfortable in bed. No matter how many mattresses she piles up, the princess is unable to sleep peacefully.

  • Pinocchio: Among the list of 10 popular fairy tale stories for kids, Pinocchio teaches an important life lesson. The fairy tale encourages kids to develop the virtue of honesty. The story is about a boy whose nose grows longer every time he utters a lie. Pinocchio transforms into a kind and honest boy before his wish of having a regular nose comes true.  

  • Little Mermaid: Among the list of 10 popular fairy tale stories for kids, Little Mermaid is a cute one. It revolves around a Little Mermaid saving a sailor from drowning. The mermaid also falls in love with the sailor and tries to find him again. The story's setting ranges from the depths of the sea to the towers of a castle.  

  • Cinderella: It is one of the fairy tale stories for kids revolving around the concept of rags to riches. The story of Cinderella also involves a stepmother and two stepsisters. The story consists of a fairy godmother, magic slippers, and a midnight curfew that culminates into a love story.

  • Hansel and Gretel: It is one of the fairy tale stories for kids based in Africa. The story revolves around two siblings who outsmart their villain stepmother. Later on, they are tricked by a wicked witch. They fall into the hand of the witch in a house made of sweets.

  • Beauty and the Beast: It is one of the popular fairy tale stories for kids about a girl who voluntarily decides to live with the Beast. She makes the decision to save her father from impending doom. She expects the Beast to be a dangerous monster in a castle. But the Beast turns out to be gentle and earnestly seeking love and companionship.

  • Snow White: It is one of the best fairy tale stories for kids involving a stepmother. Snow White's stepmother tries to kill her when her magic mirror reveals that Snow White is the fairest. Snow White manages to save herself and starts living with the seven dwarfs. Years later, her stepmother tries to kill her thrice but fails every time.  

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Top Reasons for Reading Fairy Tales

Children find fairy tales to be fascinating. Fairy tales can transform them into a new world. The various reasons behind reading fairy tales are as follows:

  • Fairy tales teach how to tackle problems: Fairy tales not just transform kids into a new world but also help them connect better to the real world. Reading fairy tales shows children how to navigate through life. Fairy tales tell children that even the most complicated problems can be solved with the right strategies.

  • Fairy tales foster a child's imagination: Anything and everything can happen in fairy tales. Therefore, reading fairy tales teaches kids to think beyond common expectations. When children learn about faraway lands and see how the characters solve problems, they also develop creative ways to solve problems.

  • Fairy tales create emotional resiliency: While reading fairy tales, kids see that the hero triumphs in every situation. The important lesson that kids should learn is that even the most mighty people come across challenges in life. Children should develop the emotional capacity to accept that challenges in life are inevitable. Parents need to protect and shelter their children, but they should also give children the emotional strength to handle everything in life.

  • Fairy tales show that actions have consequences: Reading fairy tales helps children understand that actions beget consequences. Consider the story of Cinderella. She is described as "pious and beautiful"' in the story. The character holds on to the qualities till the end and gets married to a prince. On the other hand, the vile stepsisters do not have a happy ending. The lesson of Cinderella is not that being pious and beautiful will ensure that you end up with a prince. But it teaches kids that the choices we make in life have consequences. Another simple example would be that kids are forbidden to go to some places in many fairy tales. But breaking the rule leaves the characters in trouble. Therefore, once again, kids learn an important lesson about making the right choices.

  • Fairy tales enrich cultural literacy: The popular fairy tale stories for kids are shared across different cultures and have slight variations. When kids are made to read a different version of a fairy tale, it helps them understand the similarities and differences between the various cultures. Even though the different versions have some differences, the central theme of the fairy tales remains the same. Fairy tales across all cultures teach children about the triumph of good over evil.

  • Fairy tales teach kids the structure of a story: Reading fairy tales ensures that children learn about the structure of a story. Knowing the basic structure of a story is essential for a kid to become good at reading comprehension. Fairy tales have a clear beginning and usually start with "once upon a time." In the middle, a problem is introduced. The problem gets solved by the end of a fairy tale, and the lead character finds happily ever after.

  • Fairy tales are fun: Reading fairy tales is the first step to developing the habit of reading in kids. Fairy tales are fun and engaging, which makes kids want to read them. If you create the habit of reading fairy tales in your kids, they will begin picking up challenging novels after a certain point.  

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  • Where can I find fairy tale stories for kids?

You can buy your favorite fairy tales for your readers in various bookstores. You can also purchase read-to-me fairy tale children's books online or let them read on the internet.

  • What are some popular fairy tale stories for kids?

Some popular fairy tale stories for kids include Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood. Alice in Wonderland is also a good fairy tale for a little older kids.

  • Is reading fairy tales good for boys?

Reading fairy tales is good for both boys and girls. Fairy tales help children develop important life skills along with developing a better knowledge of the English language.

  • Can reading fairy tales improve speaking skills?

Reading fairy tales can help kids learn new words. It will ensure that your kids are able to communicate better using new words. Reading can also help in improving fluency in speaking.

  • Is reading fairy tales ideal for five-year-olds?

Reading fairy tales is great for five-year-olds. Kids between three to ten years should be encouraged to read fairy tales.

  • Can classic fairy tale reading passages teach essential lessons?

Classic fairy tale reading passages can teach important life lessons to children. For instance, fairy tales help kids develop moral values.  

  • Should I stop my kids from reading fairy tales when they become ten years old?

Fairy tales are appropriate for children up to ten years old. After that, you should encourage your kids to explore other genres of books.

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